Primary schools
We have a thorough primary school road safety education programme that is offered to all of our borough-run schools.
Pupils receive road safety lessons in school years 3, 4 and 6, as well as Bikeability sessions in years 4, 5 and 6.
Classes by year are:
- Year 3: Pupils learn the basics of the Green Cross Code and how to stay safe around the roads.
- Year 4: Pupils learn how to use pedestrian crossings and understand the difference between various types of crossing. They learn about in-car safety including the importance of using a car seat and wearing a seatbelt, and cycle safety.
- Year 6: Pupils learn how to travel independently as they prepare for secondary education. They are taught more about cycle safety and how peer pressure and distractions can affect safety near the roads. Stopping distances for motor vehicles are explained. Pupils are given an understanding of how to plan a journey themselves.
Our schools have also been equipped with balance and pedal bikes to help the early years and Year 1 pupils to learn to ride a bike in preparation for their Bikeability Level 1 course in Year 4.
Secondary schools
'New Driver' lessons are offered to all sixth form classes in borough-run schools. The lesson helps to open conversations between peers around in-car behaviour, distractions and the affects and consequences of alcohol and drugs on driving.