Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Maps and publications from around the borough.
Sunningdale, Bray and Datchet Parish Councils have produced their own walks leaflets, with help from the Borough Council through the Parish Paths Initiative. These leaflets are available from the Parish Councils free of charge.
Walk, discover, enjoy - your Sunningdale (parish path map)
Bray Parish Millennium Rights of Way Map (parish path map)
(Currently available from the Parish Council directly)
This guided walk around the picturesque village of Holyport within the parish of Bray. The route is 1.7 miles in total and is likely to take half an hour to complete at a brisk walking pace. The walk is flat with no stiles or gates, although there is a bridge between footpath 30, an bridleway 29, and a narrow gap at the Moneyrow Green end of footpath 30.
Natural England promotes the Thames Path as one of 15 National Trails in England and Wales. The Trail passes through Hurley, Cookham, Maidenhead, Eton, Windsor, Datchet and Old Windsor. In places the trail crosses the Thames to follow the Buckinghamshire side of the river.Visit the National Trails website for a range of maps and publications.
Further leaflets about the whole of the River Thames can be found at the Visit Thames website.
The Environment Agency has published a leaflet showing the paths along the Jubilee River. This is available from the Visit Thames website.
There are numerous clubs, societies, organisations and commercial publishers who have produced leaflets, booklets and books promoting routes along public rights of way locally. These are widely available in libraries and bookshops.
Public Rights of Way Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom