Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
This page covers options for parking in Maidenhead town centre for different users.
If you drive into Maidenhead, park up and walk to your workplace, you can get affordable long-stay day parking or season tickets at Hines Meadow, Vicus Way or Stafferton Way car parks. Hines Meadow is the most central location.
If you’d like to save money and don’t mind a 10-minute walk into the town centre, Vicus Way is the cheapest option for commuter parking, offering all-day long-stay parking for £6.90 or the equivalent of £3.45 per day with a season ticket.
Annual season tickets there is also £115 cheaper than Stafferton Way next door or Hines Meadow.
You can get season tickets for three months, six months or 12 months, with Vicus Way also having the option of one-month season tickets.