We want borough residents, businesses and visitors to have the confidence to choose electric vehicles for their journeys, to help decarbonise travel.
In 2023, the borough adopted a ten-year plan setting out how we will keep ahead of demand for publicly accessible electric vehicle chargepoint provision, as the numbers of electric vehicles in the borough increase.
The plan proposes the rollout of around 75 new chargepoint sockets total each year on streets and in council car parks around the borough, working with commercial chargepoint operators. Objectives have been set of all council car parks having charging facilities by 2028, and that 90% of borough homes without driveways are within a ten-minute walk of a public chargepoint by 2035 (with 70% of homes without driveways within a five-minute walk).
Whilst publicly accessible chargepoints will become increasingly important, many people will do the majority of their recharging at home on a driveway (and businesses will do so on their own premises). The plan also identifies that all new buildings will need to provide for charging electric vehicles. For existing properties, we provide guidance on installing an EV chargepoint at home.
Full information on the objectives that the council has set, the actions committed to and the policies adopted is contained within the Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Plan.