The Royal Borough's highway assets include:
- Roads (658 km).
- Footways (800 km).
- Bridges / structures (300).
- Street lights etc (17,000+).
- Traffic signals (57 sites).
- Road drains (26,000+).
- Public rights of way (300+ km).
- Highway trees (40,000+).
There are three documents that form the Highway Asset Management Plan:
- Highway Asset Management Strategy (HAMS) - A high level strategy for Highway Assets, initially focused on carriageways and footways.
- Highway Maintenance Management Plan (HMMP) - Sets out policies, standards and methods for maintaining all highway assets.
- Highway Safety Inspection Manual (HSIM) - Determines where inspections are needed and where interventions are required for all highway assets.
Additional funding awarded
Following the awarding of additional funding awarded by DfT in June 2024, RBWM allocated the Road Resurfacing Fund as follows.
Table listing areas /roads where work is planned
Areas where work is planned | Type of works being undertaken on asset group (eg: road resurfacing, streetlighting etc) | Cost spent | Benefits from it (eg: improved journey times etc) |
Borough Wide | Streetlighting street furniture replacement x 233 units | £300,000 | Provides improvements for residents and road users |
Borough wide | Refreshing of white lining, traffic bollard replacement & sign replacement | £43,000 | Road safety improvements for all road users |
For further information, please contact us:
Highways Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom
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