This represents a key route through our borough, with many residents having an interest in it, and performing different functions along its length. From a key link between Maidenhead and Windsor, connections to and around Windsor and more local traffic in areas such as Old Windsor, the road is a contributor to economic growth and community cohesion. It is vital that, as we recover from the pandemic and support further development in the borough, issues are understood and addressed.
Approach taken
The approach taken for this study involved an early engagement exercise with key stakeholders to understand the issues the corridor currently experiences. As the report below explains, this first phase resulted in nearly 200 responses and over 700 identified issues across the nine sections we split the corridor into.
By adding this insight to other information already available to the borough, including traffic information and accident statistics, this allowed us a greater depth of understanding. A validation phase followed and the findings were supported by those key stakeholders we engaged with.
Outcome of study
The outcome of the study has been the identification of 42 locations along the corridor. These are a mix of junctions and links (a stretch of road between two junctions) and the transport team have started the process of reviewing these in turn based on a ranking assessment (explained in the report).
To date 21 locations have been looked at in more detail with high level potential options developed.
Overall the study has provided a wealth of information and, whilst the entirety of the corridor will require significant investment over a number of years, the ambition is to deliver improvements where the value is greatest and investment is secured.
For more information, please see the A308 Corridor Study report.