School Transport Consultation 2024

The Royal Borough is consulting until Monday 13 May 2024 on a proposed change to the way school transport assistance is provided for young people over 16 years of age with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

Parents, students, schools/colleges and others are invited to comment on a proposed update to the School Transport Policy from September 2024, which would ensure assistance continues to be available for vulnerable students while giving families greater flexibility and choice to make their own travel arrangements.

Post-16 students with SEND are not legally entitled to transport assistance, however in the Royal Borough support is available under the council’s policy for eligible SEND students from low income families. The council will continue to provide transport assistance for this group, and eligibility criteria will stay the same, however the way it is administered is planned to change.

You can tell us what you think by:

The closing date for your comments is midday on Monday 13 May 2024.

The responses will form part of a report to the council's cabinet who will consider the results of the consultation and make a decision on the school transport policy applicable for the school year starting in September 2024.