Children in entertainment

Laws exist which are designed to protect children's welfare and prevent them from being exploited.

Applying for a chaperone licence

All applicants should initially contact the child employment officer by email to for a full chaperone application pack and covering letter.  Applications should be made to the local authority (LA) in the area where you live.

We will require:

  • A completed application for together with a passport sized photograph.
  • The names of two referees (who we will contact for references).
  • A successful police check (confidential). Please contact the child employment officer for details.
  • We will also request an interview.

Note: as several checks have to be made, the time span between the LA receiving an application and the issuing of a chaperone licence can sometimes be a couple of months.

Chaperones are approved for three years. Any approval is granted subject to certain conditions: any breach of these conditions could lead to approval being withdrawn.

When approved, chaperones are required to notify the LA in writing within seven days of:

  • Any arrest for any offence triable in a court of law, or any conviction in such a court, whether in the United Kingdom or not,
  • Any serious or notifiable illness or debility,
  • Any change of address or name.

The chaperone should keep their licence in a safe place, and ensure that they wear it each time they are employed as a chaperone.

Chaperones hired for work will be sent copies of the children's performance licences (usually via the applicant) and should study the conditions to ensure that they are complied with, including rest periods, arrangements for tuition, meals etc.  Chaperones should also familiarise themselves with first aid, and the basics of health and safety legislation.