View or request copies of planning documents

View planning documents or request hard copies.

View planning documents

If the application is online you will be able to view the associated documents on our Public Access portal

If the documents are not available online, you can apply to view the original microfiche documents in person.

  • On submission of this request, documents will be available to view at Maidenhead Library in seven days,
  • If the documents are not available you will be contacted by a member of the planning team.

Information we will need from you:

  • Planning application number,
  • Site address.

Request hard copies of documents

There is a cost for the request of some hard copies of documents.

  • Planning permissions - £18.15

Online payment will be required at the point of submitting your request. 

Costs associated with other document types will be advised upon request.

Information we will need from you:

  • What document you would like hard copies of,
  • Details of the document(s),

View or request copies of planning documents

For further information, please contact us:

Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom