Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
The proposed trees are ones we have identified as part of a strategic review but also includes direct replacements for trees previously removed.
The council's tree planting proposals can be found on our online mapping system.
The proposed trees are ones we have identified as part of a strategic review but also includes direct replacements for trees previously removed.
We would welcome your views, whether you would support the planting of any of the individual trees or have any other comments. Do this by clicking on the appropriate tree symbol on the mapping system and entering your comments.
There are more trees proposed than the council can plant within a single year, so our resources will be prioritised to ones where support for planting has been registered.
The Royal Borough aims to maintain and improve the local environment for the benefit of those living and working here, and for visitors. Whilst the Borough plants a number of trees every year from internal funding, this is normally supplemented by trees which are sponsored.
We welcome approaches from individuals, residents associations, local organisations and companies who may for example wish to commemorate a special event a birth an anniversary or other occasion by sponsoring a tree and at the same time join the Royal Borough in improving the local environment.
One or more trees can be sponsored. Opportunities for planting are available on much of the land managed by the council, including many parks and open spaces.
We can suggest planting locations, and advise on the most suitable tree for a location from the selection of species available.
We will supply, plant and care for the selected tree(s) in the agreed location.
Each tree will be approximately 2.5m tall and will be planted in the next planting season, between November and February.
The cost for planting a standard tree is from £560.00 (inclusive of VAT).
Tree Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom