Spencers Farm Public Inquiry

List of documents for the Spencers Farm public enquiry.

A Public Inquiry is being held from Tuesday 5 March to Friday 8 March 2024 and continuing from Tuesday 12 March to Friday 15 March 2024 at CIM Centre, Moor Hall, Cookham, Maidenhead SL6 9QH, into the following appeals:

  • APP/T0355/W/23/3333834 
  • APP/T0355/W/23/3333831 

Address: Spencer's Farm, North of Lutman Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 7HJ.

RBWM Reference Numbers: 22/01537/OUT, 22/01540/FULL.

This page provides the core documents for the Public Inquiry on the above appeals.  It will be available for the course of the Inquiry and will be updated as necessary during the dates above.

Following the close of the Inquiry, documents will be added to the Council's Public Access system under the relevant planning application references.

Proofs of Evidence

Appellant Evidence

Local Planning Authority Evidence


Appellant Rebuttals

Local Planning Authority Rebuttals

Combined Core Documents List Tuesday 13 February 2024

Section A - OUT Planning application documents (as submitted originally)

Reference Document Date
A.1.1 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 1 May 2022
A.1.2 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 2 May 2022
A.1.3 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 3 May 2022
A.1.4 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 4 May 2022
A.1.5 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 5 May 2022
A.10.1 Ecological Impact Assessment Part 1 May 2022
A.10.2 Ecological Impact Assessment Part 2 May 2022
A.11 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy May 2022
A.12 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices A and B May 2022
A.13 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix C May 2022
A.14 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix D and E Part 1 May 2022
A.14 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices D and E Part 2 May 2022
A.15 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices F and G May 2022
A.16 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.i May 2022
A.17 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.ii May 2022
A.18 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.iii May 2022
A.19 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.iv and I May 2022
A.2 Air Quality Assessment May 2022
A.20.1 Framework Travel Plan Part 1 May 2022
A.20.2 Framework Travel Plan Part 2 May 2022
A.20.3 Framework Travel Plan Part 3 May 2022
A.21 Heritage Statement May 2022
A.22 Landscape and Biodiversity Management Strategy May 2022
A.23 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment May 2022
A.24.1 Land Quality Statement Part 1 May 2022
A.24.10 Land Quality Statement Part 10 May 2022
A.24.11 Land Quality Statement Part 11 May 2022
A.24.12 Land Quality Statement Part 12 May 2022
A.24.13 Land Quality Statement Part 13 May 2022
A.24.14 Land Quality Statement Part 14 May 2022
A.24.15 Land Quality Statement Part 15 May 2022
A.24.16 Land Quality Statement Part 16 May 2022
A.24.17 Land Quality Statement Part 17 May 2022
A.24.18 Land Quality Statement Part 18 May 2022
A.24.19 Land Quality Statement Part 19 May 2022
A.24.2 Land Quality Statement Part 2 May 2022
A.24.20 Land Quality Statement Part 20 May 2022
A.24.21 Land Quality Statement Part 21 May 2022
A.24.3 Land Quality Statement Part 3 May 2022
A.24.4 Land Quality Statement Part 4 May 2022
A.24.5 Land Quality Statement Part 5 May 2022
A.24.6 Land Quality Statement Part 6 May 2022
A.24.7 Land Quality Statement Part 7 May 2022
A.24.8 Land Quality Statement Part 8 May 2022
A.24.9 Land Quality Statement Part 9 May 2022
A.25 Noise Impact Assessment April 2022
A.26.1 Outline Earthworks and Ground Treatment Specification Part 1 May 2022
A.26.2 Outline Earthworks and Ground Treatment Specification Part 2 May 2022
A.26.3 Outline Earthworks and Ground Treatment Specification Part 3 May 2022
A.27 Piling Risk Assessment May 2022
A.28 Planning Statement May 2022
A.29.1 Remediation Specification Part 1 May 2022
A.29.2 Remediation Specification Part 2 May 2022
A.29.3 Remediation Specification Part 3 May 2022
A.3  Application Forms and Ownership Certificates May 2022
A.30 Statement of Community Involvement May 2022
A.31 Sustainability and Energy Statement May 2022
A.32.1 Transport Assessment Part 1 May 2022
A.32.2 Transport Assessment Part 2 May 2022
A.32.3 Transport Assessment Part 3 May 2022
A.32.4 Transport Assessment Part 4 May 2022
A.32.5 Transport Assessment Part 5 May 2022
A.32.6 Transport Assessment Part 6 May 2022
A.32.7  Transport Assessment Part 7 May 2022
A.33 Illustrative Landscape Masterplan LN-LD-02 B -
A.34 Illustrative Masterplan RG-M-08 F -
A.35 Indicative Earthworks Phasing Drawing 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0013 P01 -
A.36 Indicative Isopachyte Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0002 P05 -
A.37 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0003 P03 -
A.38 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0004 P03 -
A.39 Indicative Proposed Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0001 P05 -
A.4.1 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 1 May 2022
A.4.2  Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 2 May 2022
A.4.3 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 3 May 2022
A.40 Land Use Plan RG-M-05 E -
A.41 Parameter Plan RG-M-14 C -
A.42  Proposed Pedestrian Cycle Emergency Access via Westmead ITB4215-GA-009 E -
A.43 Proposed Site Access Arrangement Via B4447 Cookham Road ITB4215-GA-030 B -
A.44 Site Boundary Plan RG-M-25 -
A.45 Site Location Plan RG-M-19 C -
A.46 Site Survey 001 -
A.47 Site Survey 002 -
A.48 Site Survey 003 -
A.5 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment May 2021
A.6 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Form 1 – CIL Additional Information May 2022
A.7 Cover Letter May 2022
A.8 Design and Access Statement D May 2022
A.9 Design Code Revision C May 2022

Section B - OUT Planning application documents (additional drawings and reports)

Reference Document Date
B.1 Amended Flood Risk Assessment Appendices D and E May 2022
B.10.1 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 1 October 2022
B.10.2 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 2 October 2022
B.10.3 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 3 October 2022
B.11.1 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 1 October 2022
B.11.2 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 2 October 2022
B.11.3 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Part 3 October 2022
B.12.1 Amended Design Code F Part 1 October 2022
B.12.2 Amended Design Code F Part 2 October 2022
B.12.3 Amended Design Code F Part 3 October 2022
B.13 Covering letter 2 November 2022
B.14 BNG calculator Version 3.1 (Excel Spreadsheet) December 2022
B.15 Reptile Translocation November 2022
B.16 Arboricultural Impact Assessment March 2023
B.17.1 Design and Access Statement G Part 1 March 2023
B.17.2 Design and Access Statement G Part 2 March 2023
B.17.3 Design and Access Statement G Part 3 March 2023
B.17.4 Design and Access Statement G Part 4 March 2023
B.17.5 Design and Access Statement G Part 5 March 2023
B.17.6 Design and Access Statement G Part 6 March 2023
B.18.1 Design Code G Part 1 March 2023
B.18.2 Design Code G Part 2 March 2023
B.19 Design and Access Statement H  May 2023
B.2 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum August 2022
B.20 Design Code Revision H May 2023
B.21.1 Hydraulic Modelling Report Part 1 April 2023
B.21.2 Hydraulic Modelling Report Part 2 April 2023
B.22 Site Access Arrangement via B4447 Cookham Road ITB4215-GA-042 A -
B.23 Illustrative Masterplan RG-M-08 Rev G -
B.24 Parameter Plans RG-M-14 Rev F -
B.3 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Appendix A August 2022
B.4 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Appendix B August 2022
B.5 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Appendix C August 2022
B.6 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum 2 October 2022
B.7 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum 2 Appendix A October 2022
B.8 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum 2 Appendix B October 2022
B.9 Flood Risk Assessment Addendum 2 Appendix C October 2022

Section C - FULL Planning application documents (as submitted originally)

Reference Document Date
C.1.1 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 1 May 2022
C.1.2 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 2 May 2022
C.1.3 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 3 May 2022
C.1.4 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 4 May 2022
C.1.5 Addendum Land Quality Statement Part 5 May 2022
C.10 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices A and B May 2022
C.11 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix C May 2022
C.12.1 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Part 1 Appendices D and E May 2022
C.12.2 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Part 2 Appendices D and E  May 2022
C.13 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices F and G May 2022
C.14 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.i May 2022
C.15 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.ii May 2022
C.16 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix H.iii May 2022
C.17 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices H.iv and I May 2022
C.18.1 Land Quality Statement Part 1 May 2022
C.18.10 Land Quality Statement Part 10 May 2022
C.18.11 Land Quality Statement Part 11 May 2022
C.18.12 Land Quality Statement Part 12 May 2022
C.18.13 Land Quality Statement Part 13 May 2022
C.18.14 Land Quality Statement Part 14 May 2022
C.18.15 Land Quality Statement Part 15 May 2022
C.18.16 Land Quality Statement Part 16 May 2022
C.18.17 Land Quality Statement Part 17 May 2022
C.18.18 Land Quality Statement Part 18 May 2022
C.18.19 Land Quality Statement Part 19 May 2022
C.18.2 Land Quality Statement Part 2 May 2022
C.18.20 Land Quality Statement Part 20 May 2022
C.18.21 Land Quality Statement Part 21 May 2022
C.18.3 Land Quality Statement Part 3 May 2022
C.18.4 Land Quality Statement Part 4 May 2022
C.18.5 Land Quality Statement Part 5 May 2022
C.18.6 Land Quality Statement Part 6 May 2022
C.18.7 Land Quality Statement Part 7 May 2022
C.18.8 Land Quality Statement Part 8 May 2022
C.18.9 Land Quality Statement Part 9 May 2022
C.19 Noise Impact Assessment April 2022
C.2  Air Quality Assessment May 2022
C.20.1 Outline Earthworks and Ground Treatment Specification Part 1 May 2022
C.20.2 Outline Earthworks and Ground Treatment Specification Part 2 May 2022
C.21 Piling Risk Assessment May 2022
C.22.1 Remediation Specification Part 1 May 2022
C.22.2 Remediation Specification Part 2 May 2022
C.22.3 Remediation Specification Part 3 May 2022
C.23 Transport Assessment May 2022
C.24 Enabling Works - Application Boundary RG-M-20 B -
C.25 Enabling Works - Site Location Plan RG-M-26 A -
C.26 Indicative Earthworks Phasing Drawing 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0013 P01 -
C.27 Indicative Isopachyte Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0002 P05 -
C.28 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0003 P03 -
C.29 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0004 P03 -
C.3 Application Form and Ownership Certificates May 2022
C.30 Indicative Proposed Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0001 P05 -
C.31 Proposed Enabling Works Access ITB4215-GA-031 A -
C.32 Proposed Enabling Works Access Arrangement Visibility Longsection ITB4215-GA-034 -
C.33 Proposed Enabling Works Access – Swept Path Analysis ITB4215-GA-028 B -
C.34 Site Survey 001 -
C.35 Site Survey 002 -
C.36 Site Survey 003 -
C.4 Arboricultural Impact Assessment May 2022
C.5  Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Form 1 – CIL Additional Information May 2022
C.6.1 Construction Environmental Management Plan Part 1 May 2022
C.6.2 Construction Environmental Management Plan Part 2 May 2022
C.6.3 Construction Environmental Management Plan Part 3 May 2022
C.7 Cover Letter May 2022
C.8.1 Ecological Impact Assessment Part 1 May 2022
C.8.2 Ecological Impact Assessment Part 2 May 2022
C.9 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy May 2022

Section D - FULL Planning application documents (additional drawings and reports)

Reference Document Date
D.1 Arboricultural Impact Assessment September 2022
D.2.1 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 1 October 2022
D.2.2 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 2 October 2022
D.2.3 Transport Assessment Addendum Part 3 October 2022
D.3 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy November 2022
D.4 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices A and B November 2022
D.5 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices C and D November 2022
D.6 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices E and F November 2022
D.7 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendices G and H November 2022
D.8 Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy Appendix I November 2022
D.9.1 Hydraulic Modelling Report Part 1 April 2023
D.9.2 Hydraulic Modelling Report Part 2 April 2023

Section E - Officer Report and Decision

Reference Document
E1 Planning Committee Report 2201537OUT
E2 Committee Update Report 2201537OUT
E3 Decision Notice 2201537OUT
E4 Planning Committee Report 2201540 FUL
E5 Committee Update Report 2201540FULL
E6 Decision Notice 2201540 FUL
E7 Printed Minutes Maidenhead DM Committee Co

Section F - Appeal Documents

Reference Document
F1 Appellant Statement of Case OUT
F1a Appendix A Letter to RBWM (OUT and FULL SOC)
F1b Appendix B Letter from RBWM (OUT and FULL SOC)
F1c Appendix C Exceptions Test Note (OUT and FULL SOC)
F1d Appendix D Draft Stantec Transcript (OUT and FULL SOC)
F1e Appendix E Correspondance from RBWM Highways (OUT and FULL SOC)
F2 RBWM Appeal Statement of Case
F2a RBWM Appendices to Statement of Case
F3 Planning Statement of Common Ground
F4 HLS Statement of Common Ground
F5 Flood Risk - AW & RS Statement of Common Ground
F6 Highways Statement of Common Ground
F7 Noise - Statement of Common Ground
F8 Appellant Statement of Case FULL
F8a Appendix F Noise Addendum (FULL SOC)

Section G - National Policy Guidance and Ministerial Statements

Reference Document
G1 PPG Extracts Flood risk housing assessment and housing supply
G2 Planning for growth ministerial statement 2011
G3 Technical Guidance to NPPF 2012
G4 Noise Policy Statement for England March 2010
G5 British Standard 5228-1 - 2009+A1 - 2014 Noise and Vibration Control
G6 Control of Pollution Act 1974 Part III Sections 60 and 61

Section H - Development Plan Documents and Associated Reports

Reference Document Date
H.1 Borough Local Plan 2013-2033 8 February 2022 8 February 2022
H.10 RBWM Council’s response to comments made on RBWM_044 (examination doc ref RBWM_088) 9 July 2021 9 July 2021
H.11 Appendix 1 - Detailed response to the EA’s Technical Note on document RBWM_044 9 July 2021 9 July 2021
H.12 Borough Wide Design Guide SPD June 2020 June 2020
H.13 Planning Obligation and Developer Contributions SPD December 2005 December 2005
H.14 Sustainable Design and Construction June 2009 June 2009
H.15 Interim Sustainability Position Statement March 2021 March 2021
H.16.1 Local Transport Plan 2012-2026 July 2012 Part 1 July 2012
H.16.2 Local Transport Plan 2012-2026 July 2012 Part 2 July 2012
H.17 Spencer's Farm Stakeholder Masterplan Document May 2022
H.18 RBWM Parking Strategy 2004 2004
H.19 RBWM Highway Design Guide August 2010 August 2010
H.2 Policies Map for Maidenhead and Cookham Areas 8 February 2022 8 February 2022
H.20 RBWM Environment and Climate Strategy December 2020 December 2020
H.21 RBWM Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1 June 2017 June 2017
H.22 RBWM Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 April 2018 April 2018
H.23 RBWM Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2019 2019
H.24 Note to Inspector - Infrastructure Delivery Plan (examination doc ref RBWM_040) 29 October 2020 29 October 2020
H.25 Appendix 1 - IDP Schedule to examination doc ref RBWM_040 29 October 2020 29 October 2020
H.26 Note on whether proformas draw from IDP.pdf (examination doc ref RBWM 080 WK1-17) -
H.27 Affordable Housing Planning Guidance Document December 2016 December 2016
H.28 Representations to proposed Sustainability SPD November 2023 November 2023
H.3 Inspector’s Report on the Examination of the RBWM BLP 2013-33 26 January 2022 26 January 2022
H.4 RBWM Note to Inspector on implications of new flood modelling and mapping (examination doc ref RBWM_044) 17 November 2020
H.5 Environment Agency Response to RBWM_044 Cover Letter (examination doc ref REP-987355-099) 8 January 2021 8 January 2021
H.6 Environment Agency Response to RBWM_044 Technical Note (examination doc ref REP-987355-009a)8 January 2021 8 January 2021
H.7 WSP submission obo IM Land responding to RBWM_44 (examination doc ref REP-1075709-009) 8 January 2021 8 January 2021
H.8 Inspector’s Post-Hearing Advice Letter (examination doc ref ID-33) 26 March 2021 26 March 2021
H.9 RBWM's Post-hearing action note re Exception Test for AL9 and AL25 (examination doc ref RBWM_086) 9 July 2021

Section I - Policy and Other Documents Relating to Housing and Housing Need

Reference Document
I1 Five Year Housing land Supply Position Statement July 2023
I10  Housing Strategy 2021-2026
I11 Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2018-2023
I12 RBWM Corporate Plan 2021-2026
I13 Berkshire including South Bucks SHMA 2016
I14 RBWM Slough SBucks LHNA 2019
I15 Housing Allocations Policy 201802921
I16 Bleak Houses Report 2019
I17 Denied the Right to a Safe Home Report 2021
I18 Unlocking Social Housing Report 2022
I2 RBWM Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2019
I3 RBWM AMR 2021-22
I4 RBWM AMR 2020-21
I5 Feeding the Pipeline 2021
I6 RBWM Housing Completions 2022-23
I7 RBWM HLS 2023 based Commitments Category A sites
I8 RBWM 5 year 2023 based HLS allocations and outlines
I9  Housing Options June 2022

Section J - Other Appeal Decisions

Reference Document
J1 Land adjoining 2 Park Farm Place Northmoor (3314206)
J2 Land to the south of Granny Lane Mirfield (3279040)
J3 Land at Barking Road Needham Market (3308189)
J4 The Packhouse Queen Street Paddock Wood (3277959)
J5 Secretary of State Hanging Lane Birmingham (3192918)
J6 Land opposite Rose Cottages Brereton Heath (2192192)
J7 Old Crawley Road Horsham (3266503)
J8 Land on East Side of Green Road Woolpit Suffolk (3194926)
J9 Sonning Common Oxfordshire (3265861)
J10 Land at Firlands Farm Hollybush Lane Burghfield Common Reading (2228089)
J11 Mans Hill Burghfield Common (2226342)
J12 Hawkhurst Kent (3282908)
J13 Land to the West of Langton Road Norton (3136237)
J14 Pulley Lane, Droitwich Spa (2199085) and (2199426)
J15 Secretary of State Oxford Brooks Uni Wheatley Campus (3230827)
J16 Land at Dene Road Cotford St Luke (3304839)
J17 Land East of Park Lane Coalpit Heath (3191477)
J18 Upper Chapel Launceston (2209757)

Section K - Supreme Court and High Court Judgements

Reference Document
K1 SCDC V Hopkins and Richborough V CEBC Supreme Court Decision
K2 EBPC V BDC High Court Judgement
K3 Hallam Land V SoS for CLG and EBC High Court Judgement
K5 St Modwen Developments Limited vs SoS CLG 2017

Section L - Transport Documents

Reference Document Date
L1 DfT - Manual for Streets 2007
L10 Email to Alison Long - Highway contributions 3 May 2023
L11 Email from Alison Long - Highway Triggers 11 May 2023
L2 DfT - Manual for Streets 2 2010
L3 Highways Consultation Response OUT 24 August 2022
L4 Highways Consultation Response OUT 23 November 2022
L5 Highways Consultation Response OUT 17 May 2023
L6 Highways Consultation Response FULL 23 November 2022
L7 ITB4215-106B TN - Package of Site Wide Transport Improvements 3 May 2023
L8 ITB4215-107 TN - Trigger Point Analysis for Improvements 13 March 2023
L9 Email from Alison Long - Highway contributions 21 April 2023

Section M - Flood Risk Documents

Reference Document Date
M1 Indicative Proposed Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0001 P06 -
M10 LLFA Consultation Response OUT 8 June 2022
M11 LLFA Consultation Response OUT 19 October 2022
M12 EA Consultation Response OUT 17 November 2022
M13 EA Consultation Response OUT 25 May 2023
M14 LLFA Consultation Response FULL 3 November 2022
M15 EA Consultation Response FULL 4 October 2022
M16 EA Consultation Response FULL 26 May 2023
M2 Indicative Isopachyte Contours 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0002 P06 -
M3 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0003 P04 -
M4 Indicative Long Sections 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0004 P04 -
M5 Indicative Overland Flow Storage Locations 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0015 P05 -
M6 Proposed Levels and Modelled Flood Extents 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0017 P03 -
M7 Existing Levels and Modelled Flood Extents 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0018 P02 -
M8 Proposed Overland Flow Storage Locations 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0019 P01 -
M9  Pedestrian and Cycle Access General Arrangement 70063905-WSP-XX-XX-DR-C-0020 P01 -
For further information, please contact us:

Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom