Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Pl;anning and development and advice about this service.
Pre-Application Advice (Including VAT). The fees for pre-application planning advice are charged as below for the service and charged on an individual cost relating to the types of staff required and level of advice provided.
Advice for schemes outside of those listed in the schedule below will only be offered where agreed by a Senior Manager in the Planning Department and would be a bespoke fee arrangement or Planning Performance Agreement based on the hourly rates for the required officers, including administration fees.
The Council offers a pre-application advice service for householders, new residential, commercial developments and listed buildings.
Before making a planning application, we suggest you use the service so that you can check your proposal is on the right lines before submitting a full application. This service will include a site visit.
For larger scale (i.e. major) proposals a separate meeting will also be included as part of the service.
Pre-application advice is given in good faith and represents the case officer’s professional view of the information you have supplied at the time you have given it. The advice given will be as accurate as possible but does not determine the outcome of your application.
Getting advice before your application is made will mean you:
Householder Applications (extensions, outbuildings, dormers etc) –
Pre application advice involving Listed Buildings and Development in Conservation Area may take longer than the service time given– i.e., 30 working days.
New residential and non-residential schemes up to nine new units/999 sq m of floorspace: 30 working days.
New residential and non-residential schemes 10 new units/1,000 sq m of floorspace or above will be in accordance with agreed timeframes set out in a Planning Performance Agreement.
We aim to respond to your pre-application within the time frames above. If this isn't going to be possible, your case officer will contact you at the earliest opportunity to discuss this and agree a way forward.
The fee for pre-application advice depends on the type and scale of the proposed development.
Householder Applications (extensions, outbuildings, dormers etc) - Fast track Service - five working days - £750.00.
Householder Applications (extensions, outbuildings, dormers etc) - Normal Service - 20 working days - £300.00.
Pre application advice involving Listed Buildings and Development in Conservation Area will cost an additional fee – See Specialist Officer Advice. The same will apply if any other specialist officers need to be involved in responding.
Charges for using the transport model are in addition to those set out below.
Charges for review of viability studies or other work requiring the appointment of external consultants will be agreed on a case by case basis and funded by the applicant.
Please see Pre-application fees for all new dwellings, commercial development or mixed schemes below:
Fees for Parish Councils/Local Community Groups that directly relate to their normal functions will generally be charged at 50% of the relevant rate. (Local Community Group eligibility determined at the discretion of the Head of Planning).
For proposals for 10 or more residential units, or 1000 or more sq m of new floorspace that require evolving discussions, possibly over many months a bespoke pre-application service can be provided.
This would include a lead Planning Officer arranging for an initial inception or scoping meeting that will result in an agreed project plan, including timescales, key milestones and scheduled meetings. It will also scope out the potential involvement of other key officers within the Planning Department and wider council as appropriate.
The cost of this will depend on the nature of the scheme and will be agreed on a case by case basis. It will be based on the hourly rates of the officers involved in the project.
Hourly rates:
The council's position is not to seek or accept amendments after validation. We will not accept unsolicited amendments. Please do not seek amendments in response to an objection unless first agreed with your named planning case officer.
The council will exercise its discretion whether to request or accept amendments to a planning application under consideration. Upon receipt of an application, we expect it to be:
On that basis our position is not to seek or accept amendments after validation. We emphasise this approach by encouraging all to engage in the pre-application service.
This guidance will help you understand when the council will/will not request or accept amendments to planning applications.
We will only seek additional information and/or amendment at officer discretion under either or both of these two conditions:
1. Further analysis of the case means more information or clarification is needed to complete the assessment of the scheme. For example, cross sectional or levels details drawings. (We would not accept information which requires further consultation)
2. Amendments of a very minor nature that would improve the scheme. This must be a necessary improvement and not jeopardise a decision within the statutory period. For example, requiring additional consultation or more detailed third party expert advice.
In addition, we will:
• only accept one round of amendments to a submitted scheme.
• only accept the amendment if an extension of time is agreed at the outset.
• the amendments must be submitted within the timescale given by the named planning case officer.
Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom