Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Self-build and custom housebuilding covers a wide spectrum, from projects where individuals are involved in building or managing the construction of their home from beginning to end.
Policy HO2, Clause 4, of the Borough Local Plan requires proposals for 100 or more net new dwellings (on greenfield sites) to provide 5% of the market housing as fully serviced plots for custom and self-build housing.
A periodic check on the public access pages can be conducted to ascertain when these allocated sites come forward.
A free nationwide plot-finding list is also hosted on the Build It website.
If you are a landowner and would like to add your site to a list of available Self Build and Custom Build Plots please contact the Planning Policy team by emailing
Please note the Council is not providing an estate agency or conveyancing service. All negotiations and sales processes should take place between landowners and buyers. We recommend that anyone who is seeking to sell or buy land obtains independent professional valuations and legal advice (from a solicitor or estate agent). Even if a site has an extant permission, you may still need to apply for detailed planning permission for your specific proposals.