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Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is the process by which any major development that goes through the planning application process must deliver at least 10% net gain on the biodiversity baseline pre-development.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is the process by which any major development that goes through the planning application process must deliver at least 10% net gain on the biodiversity baseline pre-development.
This can be delivered with a hierarchy of 1) onsite, 2) mix of on-site and off-site with a private landowner or on their own off-site land, 3) off-site statutory credits from the Government as a last resort.
This became statutory for major developments from Monday 12 February 2024 and minor developments from Tuesday 2 April 2024, therefore, relevant applications that are submitted on or after these dates will be required to follow the BNG process.
The amount of biodiversity needed to reach 10% net gain is calculated using a metric developed by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
A baseline ecological survey will be undertaken at the development site to assess the ‘before’ condition and, when input into the Statutory Metric, the baseline units can be calculated. The number of these baseline units that will be lost during development must be replaced +10% of the baseline amount. This applies for off-site and on-site.
For example: if a site has a baseline of 10 units and six are lost during development, you will need to put a total of seven units back on-site (the six that you lost + one as 10% of the baseline 10). Alternatively, you could put those seven units off-site where the uplift of that land due to the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) results in a seven-unit enhancement, or a mixture of both approaches, as long as you achieve an overall unit total of 11.
Where BNG must be delivered off-site, an ecological assessment will be conducted on the proposed off-site land to calculate its baseline condition and to determine the uplift required to achieve those units.
The biodiversity enhancements must be monitored, maintained, and legally secured for 30 years under a S106 or a Conservation Covenant (CC). A CC is a private, voluntary agreements (between a landowner/leaseholder and a responsible body (e.g. LPA or conservation body/organisation) to conserve the natural or heritage features of the land, in this case to ensure specific land management processes and outcomes.
Whether a developer achieves their BNG on-site, or off-site with a private habitat bank or landowner, the LPA will need to secure that land and any significant habitat enhancements with either a S106 or CC. We may also condition any non-significant on-site enhancements.
We will be required to monitor this agreement for 30 years by requesting ecological progress assessments at given intervals (e.g. year 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) depending on the habitat being created/enhanced.
The council will levy a fee to monitor the net gain as required by law, in addition to any financial penalties raised in the event of a breach or unsuccessful habitat enhancement.
Base fee £4990
Small sites:
£100 per dwelling after the first
Major residential applications:
£250 per apartment dwelling
£500 per house dwelling
Major non-residential applications:
£500 per hectare after the first
More information on exemptions.
If your units are satisfied on-site, you must manage the land enhancements to the standard set out in your Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) or 30 years, submitting habitat progress assessments in the years set out in your S106.
If your units are off-site, you (if using off-site land that you own) or the land manager (if using a private habitat bank) must manage the land enhancements to the standard set out in your HMMP for 30 years, submitting habitat progress assessments in the years set out in your S106. You must also register your biodiversity net gain site and any allocations of off-site gains on the National Register. You do not need to register on-site gains or statutory biodiversity credits.
Mandatory BNG and Local Planning Policy
If your development is exempt from mandatory BNG (major or minor submitted after mandatory dates) but falls under local policy that requires a net gain (e.g. NR2), it will remain exempt as per the national exemption guidelines above.
Non-Mandatory BNG and Local Planning Policy
If your development does not fall under mandatory BNG (majors submitted before Monday 12 February 2024 and minors before Tuesday 2 April 2024) but is captured by another net gain policy (e.g. NR2), it will be required to satisfy any biodiversity net gain requirements regardless of its pre-mandatory status.
When making a planning application, applicants must submit specific information to show that they can deliver habitat improvements to meet a required minimum 10% BNG. Avoiding impacts on biodiversity which already exists on the development site should be the first consideration so design of the development is very important.
Biodiversity net gain still relies on the application of the mitigation hierarchy to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for biodiversity losses.
Developers will need to submit as part of their planning application:
This is in addition to or as part of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/ ECIA/protected species surveys that are required for planning applications. Please ensure that the trading rules have been satisfied within the metric.
We recommend that you submit as much information as possible, in particular any off-site gains or plans for excess units.
A Draft Biodiversity Gain Plan can also be provided as part of the application, or the plan will be required as part of pre commencement conditions.
You can use the either the Statutory Metric or the simpler Small Sites Metric (SSM).
However, the SSM cannot be used on sites where the following are present:
If you use the SSM, you do not have to do a condition assessment as part of your survey of existing habitat, as the values are fixed for all habitats assessed.
If you qualify to use the SSM, you do not need an ecologist for BNG, though you may still choose to seek ecological advice. You can either use the simpler small sites biodiversity metric tool yourself if you are familiar with the site and the habitats on it, or someone else who can do a survey and make a calculation. This could be the project manager, a gardener, or a landscape architect.
Biodiversity Net Gain is a dynamic area of planning policy, therefore this guidance may be updated over time.
Sustainability and Climate Change Lead
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
United Kingdom