Maidenhead Office Park Public Inquiry

List of documents relating to the Maidenhead Office Park Public Inquiry.

A Public Inquiry is being held at York House, Sheet Street, Windsor, SL4 1DD on the following dates:

Tuesday 16 April to Friday 19 April 2024, Tuesday 23 April 2024, Thursday 25 April to Friday 26 April 2024 and at the CIM Centre, Moor Hall, Cookham, Maidenhead SL6 9QH on Wednesday 24 April 2024.

  • APP/T0355/W/24/3336224

Address: Maidenhead Office Park, Westacott Way, Littlewick Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3QH

RBWM Reference Number: 22/03270/OUT 

This page provides the core documents for the Public Inquiry on the above appeals.  It will be available for the course of the Inquiry and will be updated as necessary during the dates above.

Following the close of the Inquiry, documents will be added to the Council's Public Access system under the relevant planning application references.

Proofs of Evidence

Appellant Evidence

Local Planning Authority Evidence


Appellant Rebuttals

  • NONE

Local Planning Authority Rebuttals

Combined Core Documents List

CD1 - Planning application documents and plans (ref: 22/03270/OUT)

Reference Document
1.1 Covering Letter (Savills, 2 December 2022)
1.2 Application Form (2 December 2022)

Determination Drawings:

  • Site Location Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-200B)
  • Parameters Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-201)

llustrative Architectural Scheme Drawings & Images

  • Site Layout Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-202)
  • Unit 2 Elevations (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-203)
  • Unit 3 Elevations (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-204)
  • Site Elevation/Section (31349-PL-205)
  • Site Sections (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-206)
  • Aerial View (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-207)
  • Street View (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-208)

Illustrative Landscape Scheme Drawings: 

  • Landscape General Arrangements Plan (Drawing Ref: 3239.MA.1000)
  • Landscape General Arrangements Plan 1 of 3 (Drawing Ref: 3239.MA.1001)
  • Landscape General Arrangements Plan 2 of 3 (Drawing Ref: 3239.MA.1002)
  • Landscape General Arrangements Plan 3 of 3 (Drawing Ref: 3239.MA.1003)
  • Landscape General Arrangements Plan (Drawing Ref: 3239.MA.900)
1.6 Planning Statement (Savills, December 2022)
1.7 Air Quality Impact Assessment (AECOM, November 2022)
1.8 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Macfarlane + Associates, November 2022)
1.9 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (Cotswold Archaeology, December 2021)
1.11 Dusk Emergence and Dawn Re-entry Bat Surveys (Middlemarch, September 2022)
1.12 Bat Tree Inspection Surveys (Middlemarch, September 2022)
1.13 Dust Mitigation Strategy (Savills, December 2022)
1.14 Energy Statement (Savills Earth, December 2022)
1.15 Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy (AECOM, November 2022)
1.16 Framework Travel Plan (AECOM, December 2022)
1.17 Great Crested Newt Survey (Middlemarch, September 2022)
1.18 Landscape & Visual Assessment (Macfarlane + Associates, December 2022)
1.19 Noise & Vibration Assessment (AECOM, November 2022)
1.20 Office & Industrial Logistics Needs Assessment (Savills, undated)
1.21 Office & Industrial Logistics Needs Assessment – Addendum Update (Savills, October 2022)
1.22 Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment (Middlemarch, April 2022)
1.23 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Middlemarch, March 2022)
1.24 Statement of Community Involvement (Cratus, November 2022)
1.25 Sustainability Statement (Savills Earth, December 2022)
1.26 Transport Assessment (AECOM, December 2022)

CD2 - Planning application additional/ amended reports and/or plans submitted after validation

Supplementary Planning Application Submissions (2 February 2023)

Reference Document
2.1 Covering Letter (Savills, 2 February 2023) with Draft Determination Drawing: Parameter Plan (Drawing Ref: 3149-PL-201A) 
2.2 Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening (Middlemarch, January 2023)

Supplementary Planning Application Submissions (26 June 2023 and 27 June 2023)

Reference Document
2.3 Covering Letter (Freeths, 26 June 2023)

Determination Drawing:

  • Parameter Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-201B)

llustrative Architectural Scheme Drawings & Images: 

  • Site Layout Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-202A)
  • Unit 1 Elevation (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-203A)
  • Unit 3 Elevations (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-204A)
  • Illustrative Elevation/Section (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-205B)
  • Illustrative Site Sections (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-206B)
2.6 Design & Access Statement Revision A (MSA, June 2023)
2.7 Landscape & Visual Assessment (Macfarlane + Associates, June 2023)
2.8 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Middlemarch, June 2023)
2.9 Assessment of possible operational impacts for White Waltham Airfield (ASA, June 2023)
2.10 Biodiversity Metric (Middlemarch, June 2023) [no copy, please refer to the online version]
2.11 Framework Biodiversity Net Gain Plan (Middlemarch, May 2023)
2.12 Covering Email (Freeths, 27 June 2023) & Carbon Offset Calculation (Savills, June 2023)

Supplementary Planning Application Submission (14 July 2023)

Reference Document
2.13 Covering Letter (Freeths, 14 July 2023)
2.14 Social Value Statement (Social Value Portal, July 2023)
2.15 Social Value Summary & Infographic (Social Value Portal, July 2023)

Supplementary Planning Application Submission (21 July 2023)

Reference Document
2.16 Covering Letter (Freeths, 21 July 2023)

Determination Drawing:

  • Parameter Plan (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-201C) 

Illustrative Scheme Drawings:

  • Unit 1 Elevations (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-203B)
  • Illustrative Elevation/Section (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-205C)
  • Illustrative Site Sections (Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-206C)

Supplementary Planning Application Submission (17 August 2023)

Reference Document
2.19 Covering Email (Freeths, 17 August 2023) with Briefing Note (AECOM, 15 August 2023)

Supplementary Planning Application Submission (6 September 2023)

Reference Document
2.20 Financial Viability Assessment (Savills, June 2023)

Consultee documents

Reference Document
2.21 Stantec Advice Note – Review of Office and Industrial & Logistics Needs Assessment (Stantec, undated) 
2.22 RBWM Highways (9 December 2022)
2.23 UK CAA / AAT (14 August 2023)
2.24 RBWM Financial Viability Assessment (Aspinall Verdi, August 2023)

CD3 - Committee and decision documents

Reference Document
3.1 RBWM Maidenhead Development Management Panel report (20 September 2023)
3.2 RBWM Maidenhead Development Management Panel UPDATE report (20 September 2023)
3.3 RBWM Maidenhead Development Management Panel minutes (20 September 2023)
3.4 Refusal notice (25 September 2023)

CD4 - The Development Plan, guidance and other LPA documents

Reference Document
4.1 National Infrastructure Commission Better Delivery: The Challenge for Freight (April 2019)
4.2 DfT Government Response to Better Delivery: A Challenge for Freight (August 2021)
4.3 DfT The Future of Freight: a long term plan (June 2022)
4.4 DfT Freight, logistics and the planning system: call for evidence (4 July 2023)
4.5 RBWM Borough Local Plan 2013-2033 (adopted February 2022) 
4.6 RBWM Local Plan Inspector's Report (26 January 2022) (report + Appendix 1 pages 99-106)
4.7 RBWM Local Plan Examination – Employment Land Needs in RBWM (Stantec, October 2019)
4.8 Hurley and Walthams Neighbourhood Plan (2015-2030) (December 2017)
4.9 RBWM SPD: Parking Strategy (May 2004)
4.10 RBWM SPD: Planning Obligation and Developer Contributions (December 2005)
4.11 RBWM SPD: Sustainable Design and Construction SPD (June 2009)
4.12 RBWM SPD: Borough Wide Design Guide SPD (June 2020)
4.13 RBWM Environment and Climate Strategy 2020-2025 (December 2020)
4.14 RBWM Landscape Character Assessment Part 1 (with appendices) (LDA, September 2004) 
4.15 RBWM Green Belt Purpose Analysis (November 2013)
4.16 RBWM Green Belt Boundary Study (December 2013)
4.17 Berkshire Functional Economic Market Area Study (and appendices) (Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, dated February 2016)
4.18 RBWM Edge of Settlement Analysis (July 2016) (extracts only, pages 1-65, 252, 301-305)
4.19 Central Berkshire FEMA Economic Development Needs Assessment (Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, October 2016)
4.20 Eastern Berkshire FEMA Economic Development Needs Assessment (Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, October 2016)
4.21 RBWM Local Sensitivity Test of Employment Land Needs in The Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead – An Independent Review of Technical Methods (Peter Brett, January 2018)
4.22 RBWM Supplementary Market Analysis Employment Land Review (Aspinall Verdi, January 2018)
4.23 RBWM Interim Sustainability Position Statement (March 2021)
4.24 RBWM Corporate Plan 2021-26 (November 2021)
4.25 RBWM SPD: Building Height and Tall Buildings (December 2023)
4.26 RBWM Tree Preservation Order 001/2023
4.27 South West Maidenhead Development Framework SPD (December 2022)
4.28 RBWM Landscape Assessment Part 2 (LDA, September 2004)
4.29 Licencing of Aerodromes CAP168 (CAA, Edition 12, January 2022) [extracts] 

CD5 - Emerging Development Plan documents 

Reference Document
5.1 RBWM DRAFT SPD: Sustainability (October 2023)

CD6 - Appeal Documents 

Reference Document
6.1 Appeal form (2 January 2024)
6.2 Appellant Statement of Case (2 January 2024)
6.3 RBWM Appeal Questionnaire (24 January 2024)
6.4 Appeal representations (up to 21 February 2024)
6.5 Freeths letter to PINs dated with Determination Drawing: Parameters Plan (Michael Sparks Associates Drawing Ref: 31439-PL-201 Revision E); Illustrative Scheme Drawings: Illustrative Site Layout Plan (Michael Sparks Associates Drawing Ref: 31439-FE-77); and Site Sections (Michael Sparks Associates Drawing Ref: 31439-FE-78 Revision A) (23 February 2024)
6.6 RBWM Statement of Case (27 February 2024)
6.7 PINs Case Management Conference note (1 March 2024)
6.8 Third Party Representations (post 21 February 2024)
6.9 Fiennes Park Residents Management Company Limited representation 
6.10 Illustrative Site Layout Plan (Michael Sparks Associates Drawing Ref: 31439-FE-81) – provided to the Council for information only
6.11 See Appendix C to Tim Jackson proof of evidence appendices

CD7 - Relevant Appeal Decisions

Reference Document
7.1 Appellant APP/H4315/V/20/3265899, Omega St Helens Ltd & TJ Morris Ltd, land at Omega Zone 8, west of Omega South and south of the M62, St Helens, Merseyside
7.2 Appellant APP/V4250/V/20/3253242, Tritax Symmetry Ltd, land at Junction 25 of the M6 Motorway, Wigan, bounded by the M6 Slip Road and A49 Warrington Road Junction to the east, agricultural land to the north and the M6 Motorway to the west, Wigan
7.3 Appellant APP/Q3630/W/23/3329722, Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone Road, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 2UP

CD8 - Relevant Judgments

Reference Document
8.1 RBWM (on the application of Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster) and others) v North Yorkshire County Council [2020] UKSC 3
8.2 RBWM (on the application of Turner) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2016] EWCA Civ 466 

CD9 - Inquiry Documents 

Reference Document
9.1 Freeths letter to the Planning Inspectorate enclosing West London Aero Club 15 March
letter, and Alan Stratford Associates response letter dated 26 March 2024 (28 March 2024)
9.2 Appeal representations (up to 2 April 2024)
9.3 Alan Stratford Associates letter in response to additional West London Aero Club documents (3 April 2024) 
9.4 Additional third party representations
9.5 Additional letters of support (submitted to PINs on 12 April 2024)
9.6 AGREED Statement of Common Ground (submitted to PINs on 15 April 2024)

ID - Documents submitted at Inquiry

Reference Document
1. Appellant appearances list (submitted on 16 April 2024)
2. RBWM appearances list (submitted on 16 April 2024)
3. Appellant opening submissions (submitted on 16 April 2024)
4. RBWM opening submissions (submitted on 16 April 2024)
5. Ribbon Communications letter dated 15 April 2024 (submitted on 17 April 2024)
6. Final draft, agreed Section 106 Agreement (submitted on 17 April 2024)
7. Updated inquiry programme (submitted on 17 April 2024)
8. Appellant responses to White Waltham Parish Council and Fiennes Park Residents
Management Company Limited (submitted on 18 April 2024)
9. RBWM – GLIVA3 extract (submitted on 18 April 2024)
10. RBWM CIL Compliance Statement (submitted on 18 April 2024)
11. Appellant Section 106 Summary (submitted on 18 April 2024)
12. Site visit location plan (submitted on 18 April 2024)
13. Agreed schedule of conditions – dated 16 April 2024 (submitted on 17 April 2024)
14. Agreed schedule of conditions – dated 18 April 2024 (submitted on 16 April 2024)
For further information, please contact us:

Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom