Comment on a planning application

Make a comment on a planning application and information about preserving your privacy.

Make a comment

If you would like us to take account of your views you can submit your comments to us online.

To make a comment you will need to:

  • Know the application reference number,
  • Provide us with your name, address and a method of contacting you.

Anonymous comments cannot be taken into consideration.

Comments can be made to either object to or support an application.

When making a decision we cannot take into account comments relating to:

  • Issues covered by other legislation such as party-wall disputes and fire precautions,
  • Boundary and access disputes,
  • Loss of property value,
  • Loss of a private view,
  • Problems associated with the construction period, such as hours of building work, noise and dust,
  • Legal restrictions and agreements such as covenants,
  • The behaviour or financial motives of the person applying for planning permission.

We will also remove comments that are offensive or of a discriminatory nature.

Note that your comments will be a matter of public record and visible to anyone wishing to inspect the application.