Claires Court School Public Inquiry

This page provides the core documents for the Public Inquiry on the appeals below.

A Public Inquiry into the following appeals is being held from Wednesday 18 to Friday 27 November 2020:

  • APP/TO355/W/20/3249117 – Claires Court School
  • APP/T0355/W/20/3249119 – Sports Pitches and Pavilion 

This page provides the core documents for the Public Inquiry on the above appeals.  It will be available for the course of the Inquiry and will be updated as necessary during those dates.

Following the close of the Inquiry documents will be added to the Council's Public Access system under the relevant planning application references.

Proofs of Evidence

Appellant planning documents

Local planning authority documents

Rule 6 documents

Combined Core Documents list

Please note that links below will take you to external websites.

CD1a : Application Documents and Plans

As submitted with the application - APP/TO355/W/20/3249117 – Claires Court School – Appeal A 

Reference Document Description
1.1a ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1911 rev S1 P2 Site Location Plan
1.2a ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1910 rev S1 P7 Master plan
1.3a ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1903 rev S1 P14 Site plan
1.4a ADP-00-OB-DR-A-1000 rev D Site – GA – Lower Ground
1.5a ADP-00-00-DR-A-1001 rev D Site - GA - Ground Floor Whole Site
1.6a     ADP-00-01-DR-A-1002 rev D     Site – GA- First Floor
1.7a         ADP-01-00-DR-A-1100 rev K CB – General Arrangement – Ground Floor
1.8a          ADP-01-01-DR-A-1101 rev K CB – General Arrangement – First Floor 
1.9a     ADP-01-02-DR-A-1102 rev A     CB – General Arrangement – Roof
1.10a     ADP-02-00-DR-A-1200 rev J   JG – GA – Ground Floor – Junior Girls
1.11a        ADP-02-01-DR-A-1201 rev J   JB – General Arrangement – First Floor
1.12a        ADP-02-OR-DR-A-1202 rev A  JG – General Arrangement – Roof 
1.13a     ADP-03-01-DR-A-1304 rev A     SB – General Arrangement – Lower Ground Floor 
1.14a       ADP-03-00-DR-A-1305 rev A   SB – General Arrangement – Ground Floor
1.15a       ADP-03-00-DR-A-1306 rev A   SB – General Arrangement – Ground Floor
1.16a         ADP-03-01-DR-A-1307 rev A SB – General Arrangement – First Floor
1.17a        ADP-03-01-DR-A-1308 rev A   SB – General Arrangement – First Floor
1.18a         ADP-03-OR-DR-A-1309 rev A SB – General Arrangement – Roof
1.19a        ADP-03-0R-DR-A-1310 rev A SB – General Arrangement – Roof
1.20a        ADP-03-XX-DR-A-1640 rev A  Senior Building – Sections A-A and B-B
1.21a          ADP-03-XX-DR-A-1641 rev A Senior Building – Section C-C
1.22a         ADP-02-XX-DR-A-1642 rev A JG – Section D-D
1.23a        ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1643 rev A CB – Sections E-E and F-F
1.24a          ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1680 CB – Perspective Sections
1.25a       ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1681 CB – Perspective Sections
1.26a         ADP-02-XX-DR-A-1710-jg rev A Junior Girls – north and south elevations
1.27a        ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1700 rev A  CB – Proposed elevations central building
1.28a          ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1701 rev A CB – Proposed west elevations
1.29a         ADP-01-XX-DR-A-1702 rev A CB – Proposed elevations central building
1.30a           ADP-02-XX-DR-A-1711 rev A JG – Proposed elevations Junior Girls
1.31a        ADP-03-XX-DR-A-1720 rev A  SB – Proposed elevations – senior building
1.32a       ADP-00-XX-DR-A-1722 rev A SB – Proposed elevations - senior building
1.33a         ADP-00-XX-DR-A-1721 rev A SB – Proposed elevations – senior building
1.34a          ADP-03-XX-DR-A-1681 SB – Perspective Sections 
1.35a          ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1900 rev S1 P10 Landscape General Arrangement
1.36a         AR-45516-17 Tree Protection Plan
1.37a        AR45516-17 Existing Tree Survey
1.38a        022.2022-SIA  Outline Survey

2255-C-1105-F Sketch Site Layout
1.40a     - Transport Assessment May 2017
1.41a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Appendices 1-4 
1.42a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Appendices 5-8
1.43a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Appendices 9-10
1.44a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Appendices 11-12
1.45a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Appendices 13-14
1.46a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Drawings
1.47a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Figures
1.48a     - Transport Assessment May 2017 – Tables
1.49a     - Statement of Community Involvement December 2017 
1.50a     - Planning Statement December 2017
1.51a     - Design and Access Statement 29.11.17 – rev F
1.52a     - Acoustic Assessment July 2017 
1.53a     - Acoustic Assessment Appendices 1-4
1.54a     - CIL Information Form
1.55a     - Condition Survey February 2017
1.56a      - Education Needs Report
1.57a     - Construction Method Sequence April 2017
1.58a     - Very Special Circumstances December 2017 
1.59a     - Arboricultural Report December 2017
1.60a     - Travel Plan May 2017
1.61a     - Lighting Statement December 2015
1.62a     - Executive Summary January 2018

CD1b : Application Documents and Plans

As submitted with the application -  APP/T0355/W/20/3249119 – Sports Pitches and Pavilion –Appeal B 

Reference Document Description
1.1b ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1910 rev S1 P3 Master plan
1.2b ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1912 rev S1 P2 Site Location Plan – Hockey Club
1.3b ADP-00-01-DR-A-1000 rev S2 T1 Ground floor plan
1.4b ADP-00-01-DR-A-1001 rev S2 T1 First floor plan
1.5b       ADP-00-02-DR-A-1002 rev S2 T1 Roof Plan
1.6b      2255-C-1105-F Sketch Site Layout
1.7b     - Construction Method Sequence April 2017
1.8b     - Transport Statement December 2017 

- Planning Statement December 2017
1.10b     - Design and Access Statement 29.11.17 – Rev F
1.11b     - CIL Information Form
1.12b     - Statement of Community Involvement
1.58a       - Very Special Circumstances Report December 2017
1.14b     - Arboricultural Report December 2017
1.62a     - Executive Summary January 2018

CD1c Environmental Statement

As submitted with the application - APP/TO355/W/20/3249117 – Claires Court School – Appeal A
APP/T0355/W/20/3249119 – Sports Pitches and Pavilion – Appeal B

Reference Document Date
1.1c ES VOL 1 – Non Technical Summary January 2018
1.2c ES VOL 2 – Chapter 1 Introduction January 2018
1.3c ES VOL 2 – Chapter 2 – EIA Methodology January 2018
1.4c ES VOL 2 – Chapter 3 – The Application Site January 2018
1.5c    ES VOL 2 – Chapter 4 – Alternatives Considered and Design Options January 2018
1.6c         ES VOL 2 – Chapter 5 – The Proposed Development and Construction Overview January 2018
1.7c          ES VOL 2 – Chapter 6 – Ecology January 2018
1.8c        ES VOL 2 – Chapter 7 – Water Resources, Hydrology and Flood Risk January 2018
1.9c         ES VOL 2 – Chapter 8 – Traffic and Transport January 2018
1.10c          ES VOL 2 – Chapter 9 – Air Quality January 2018
1.11c         ES VOL 2 – Chapter 10 - Noise January 2018
1.12c          ES VOL 2 – Chapter 11 – Archaeology and Heritage January 2018
1.13c          ES VOL 2 – Chapter 12 – Socio-Economics January 2018
1.14c         ES VOL 2 – Chapter 13 – Cumulative Effects January 2018
1.15c          ES VOL 2 – Chapter 14 – Conclusion January 2018
1.16c        ES VOL 3: Landscape Visual Impact Assessment  January 2018
1.17c        ES VOL 4 – Arch.01 Archaeology Baseline Report  January 2018
1.18c         ES VOL 4 – Arch.02 Geophysical Survey Report January 2018
1.19c          ES VOL 4 – Air.01 Air Quality Tables January 2018
1.20c           ES VOL 4 – ECO.01 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal January 2018
1.21c          ES VOL 4 – ECO.02 Dormouse Habitat Assessment January 2018

ES VOL 4 – ECO.03 Bat Tree Inspection Report January 2018
1.23c          ES VOL 4 – ECO.04 Bat Presence / Likely Absence Survey Report January 2018
1.24c          ES VOL 4 – ECO.05 Bat Activity Transect Survey Report January 2018
1.25c          ES VOL 4 – ECO.06 Badger Survey Report (Provided direct to parties) January 2018
1.26c         ES VOL 4 – ECO.07 Reptile Survey Report January 2018
1.27c        ES VOL 4 – ECO.08 Breeding Bird Report January 2018
1.28c         ES VOL 4 – ECO.09 Landscape and Ecological Mitigation Plan January 2018
1.29c        ES VOL 4 – NOI.01 Noise and Vibration Technical Appendix January 2018
1.30c        ES VOL 4 – NOI.02 Baseline Noise Survey Report  January 2018
1.31c          ES VOL 4 – TRA.01 Traffic Modelling Outputs January 2018

ES VOL 4 – GEN.01 Glossary January 2018
1.33c         ES VOL 4 – GEN.02 Scoping Report January 2018
1.34c           ES VOL 4 – GEN.03 Scoping Responses January 2018
1.35c     ES VOL 4 – GEN.04 Scoping Update Note   January 2018
1.36c        ES VOL 5 – ANNEX A Application Site Masterplan  January 2018
1.37c          ES VOL 5 – ANNEX B Proposed Access Roundabout January 2018
1.38c         ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 1 January 2018
1.39c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 2 January 2018
1.40c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 3 January 2018
1.41c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 4 January 2018
1.42c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 5 January 2018
1.43c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 6 January 2018
1.44c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 7 January 2018
1.45c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 8 January 2018
1.46c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 9 January 2018
1.47c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 10 January 2018
1.48c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 11 January 2018
1.49c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 12 January 2018
1.50c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 13 January 2018
1.55c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 14 January 2018
1.56c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 15 January 2018
1.57c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 16 January 2018
1.58c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 17 January 2018
1.59c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 18 January 2018
1.60c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 19 January 2018
1.67c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 20 January 2018
1.68c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 21 January 2018
1.69c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 22 January 2018
1.70c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 23 January 2018
1.71c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 24 January 2018
1.72c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 25 January 2018
1.73c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 26 January 2018
1.74c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 27 January 2018
1.76c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 29 January 2018
1.77c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 30 January 2018
1.78c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 31 January 2018
1.79c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 32 January 2018
1.80c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 33 January 2018
1.81c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 34 January 2018
1.82c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 35 January 2018
1.83c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 36 January 2018
1.84c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 37 January 2018
1.85c      ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 38   January 2018
1.86c      ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 39   January 2018
1.87c         ES VOL 5 – ANNEX C Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment Part 40 January 2018
1.88c          ES VOL 5 – ANNEX E Lighting Strategy January 2018
1.89c         ES VOL 5 – ANNEX F Construction Method Statement January 2018
1.90c         ES VOL 5 – ANNEX G Landscape Masterplan January 2018
ES VOL 5 – ANNEX H General Arrangements Drawings January 2018
1.92c ES VOL 5 – ANNEX I Site Sections January 2018

CD2a : Additional / Amended Documents and Plans

As submitted after application - APP/TO355/W/20/3249117 – Claires Court School – Appeal A

Reference Document Date
2.1a Highways Addendum Note January 2018
2.2a Response to LLFA August 2018
2.3a Letter from Highways Consultants – Junction Capacity October 2018
2.4a Travel plan November 2018
2.5a 151958-RPG-XX-XX-PL-C-0501 rev A - Coach Tracking Layout  
2.6a Educational Benefits Summary February 2019
2.7a Very Special Circumstances Addendum August 2019
2.8a Tree Response March 2018
2.9a Tree Response April 2018
2.10a Tree Response August 2018
2.11a Highways Addendum Note October 2018
2.12a Environmental Statement Addendum (including Badger Survey) February 2019
2.13a Response to RBWM’s Ecologist Comments June 2018
2.14a Biodiversity Toolkit – School Campus and Playing Fields Application January 2017
2.15a Letter from Andrew Black in response to Antonia Liu, dated 14 September 2018 September 2018
2.16a RIBA Stage 3 Cost Plan by Kier Provided direct to parties
2.17a Financial Analysis of Claires Court School Provided direct to parties
2.18a Permitted Development Removal Plan ref: ADP-XX-DR-L-1913 S1P September 2018

CDC2b : Additional / Amended Documents and Plans

As submitted after application -  APP/T0355/W/20/3249119 – Sports Pitches and Pavilion – Appeal B  

Reference Document Description
2.1b ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1910 rev S1 P4 Master plan
2.2b ADP-00-ZZ-DR-A-1200 Elevation - West
2.3b ADP-00-ZZ-DR-A-1201 Elevation - North
2.4b ADP-00-ZZ-DR-A-1202 Elevation - East
2.5b ADP-00-ZZ-DR-A-1203 Elevation - South
2.6b ADP-00-ZZ-M3-A-1012 Massing 3D
2.7b ADP-00-ZZ-M3-A-1013 Massing 3D
2.8b ADP-00-ZZ-M3-A-1014 Massing 3D
2.9b ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1910 rev S1 P7 Materplan
2.10b ADP-XX-00-DR-L-1903 rev S1 P4 Whole Site Layout (amended red line plan)
2.8a - Tree Response March 2018
2.9a - Tree Response April 2018
2.10a - Tree Response August 2018
2.1a - Highways Addendum Note
2.11a - Highways Addendum Note
2.16b - Proposed Hockey Pitch Timetables
2.6a - Educational Benefits Summary
2.18b - Justification for Sports Pavilion
2.7a - Very Special Circumstances Addendum
2.12a - Environmental Statement Addendum
2.13a - Response to RBWM’s Ecologist Comments
2.14a - Biodiversity Toolkit – School Campus and Playing Fields Application
2.15a - Letter from Andrew Black in response to Antonia Liu, dated 14 September 2018

CD3     Committee Reports 

CD4 Royal Borough Development Plan

CD5 Emerging Development Plan 

CD6 Examination of the Plan  

CD7 Other Royal Borough Documents  

CD8 Monitoring Information  

CD9 Legal Cases  

CD10 Appeal Decisions 

CD11 Other Documents 

CD12 Appeal Documents 

Inquiry Documents

For further information, please contact us:

Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom