If you plan to demolish a building, or a part of a building, then you must provide us with a demolition notice at least six weeks before you do so unless it is:
- the result of a demolition order issued by the council,
- an internal part of an occupied building that will continue to be occupied,
- a building less than 50m3 externally measured,
- a greenhouse, conservatory, shed or prefabricated garage even if it is part of a larger building,
- an agricultural building which is not adjacent to another building,
Some demolition also requires prior approval and conservation area consent. If the building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, you will also need Listed Building Consent before starting work.
We need to know:
- what is being demolished
- who is doing the demolition
- who owns the building
- the details of the person arranging the demolition.
- we also need a location plan of the building or structure (1:1250 scale preferred), showing the area where the work is being done.
Demolition notice
If you fail to submit the appropriate notice you will be fined.
You may also need to:
- give notice to the gas, water and electricity suppliers and to adjoining owners/occupiers;
- check for asbestos;
- get planning permission.
Apply for: Building control : Demolition notice
What happens next
Once we have received a demolition notice we will notify the neighbours and statutory undertakers and provide a Notice to the person demolishing in accordance with Section 81 and 82 of the Building Act. Demolition work can cause problems for road users and neighbours or businesses in close proximity to the site.