Building Control fees and charges

Fees for full plans, new houses, inspection fees, domestic alterations and more.

Charges for non domestic extensions and new builds 2024-2025

Fees and charges as of Monday 1 April 2024

Building Control charges from Monday 1 April 2024. Charges quoted are inclusive of VAT at 20.0%.

Table D - charges for non-domestic extensions and new builds

Other residential (institution and other), including hospitals, hotels and boarding houses.  Assembly and recreational use, including clubs, school and halls.

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
D1 Floor area not exceeding 10m2 £290.00 £635.00 £1156.25
D2 Floor area exceeding 10m2 but not exceeding 40m2 £405.00 £808.50 £1516.88
D3 Floor area exceeding 40m2 but not exceeding 100m2 £405.00 £981.76 £1733.45
D4 Floor area exceeding 100m2 but not exceeding 200m2 £405.00 £1415.00 £2275.00

Industrial and storage, including factories and warehouses

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
D5 Floor area not exceeding 10m2 £405.00 Included in plan charge £506.25
D6 Floor area exceeding 10m2 but not exceeding 40m2 £405.00 £405.00 £1012.50
D7 Floor area exceeding 40m2 but not exceeding 100m2 £405.00 £577.50 £1228.13
D8 Floor area exceeding 100m2 but not exceeding 200m2 £405.00 £750.00 £1443.75

All other areas, including offices and shops (commercial)

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
D9 Floor area not exceeding 10m2 £290.00 £405.00 £868.75
D10 Floor area exceeding 10m2 but not exceeding 40m2 £405.00 £577.50 £1228.13
D11 Floor area exceeding 40m2 but not exceeding 100m2 £405.00 £780.00 £1481.25
D12 Floor area exceeding 100m2 but not exceeding 200m2 £405.00 £981.76 £1733.45

Table E - All other non domestic works - alterations

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
E1 Underpinning Individually determined charge Individually determined charge Individually determined charge

Window replacement

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
E2 Replacement up to 20 windows £290.00 Included in plan charge £362.50
- Replacement over 20 up to 50 windows £230.00 £346.50 £720.63

Renovation of a thermal element (wall, floor or roof)

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
E4 Estimated cost up to £50,000 £288.75 £288.75 £721.88
- Estimated cost exceeding £50,000 and up to £100,000 £288.75 £462.00 £938.44
- Estimated cost exceeding £100,000 and up to £250,000 £288.75 £577.50 £1082.81

Alterations not described elsewhere including structural alterations and installation of controlled fittings

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
E5 Estimated cost less than £5,000 £520.00 Included in plan charge £650.00
- Estimated cost exceeding £5,001 and up to £25,000 £230.00 £405.00 £793.75
- Estimated cost exceeding £25,001 and up to £50,000 £230.00 £635.00 £1081.25
- Estimated cost exceeding £50,001 an up to £100,000 £405.00 £693.00 £1372.50
- Installation of a Mezzanine floor up to £500m2 £405.00 £693.00 £1372.50

Office/Shop fit out

Category Description Plan charge Inspection charge Regularisation
E6 Floor area up to 500m2 £288.75 £405.00 £867.19
- Floor area exceeding 500m2 and up to 1000m2 £288.75 £577.50 £1082.81
- Change of use of a building (charged in addition to the above works) £288.75 Included in plan charge £360.94