Recommended inspection stages
You will receive an inspection plan once your application has been accepted, however the recommended stages during which you should arrange an inspection and how much notice is required is detailed below.
- Commencement of work - two days before commencement.
- Excavations for foundations - one day before inspection.
- Foundation concrete - one day before inspection.
- Oversite preparation for concrete - one day before inspection.
- Reinforcement before concreting - one day before inspection.
- Damp proof course laid - one day before inspection.
- Exposed drains ready for inspection (and on test) - one day before inspection.
- First floor joists - one day before inspection.
- Steel beams/columns (before encasing) - one day before inspection.
- Roof timbers (before covering) - one day before inspection.
- Fire protection - one day before inspection.
- Drains backfilled and on test - within seven days.
- Occupation of the building - seven days before occupation.
- Completion of works - within seven days.
As part of the Building Control process, you will have to arrange site inspection visits to make sure your work meets the regulations.
Please note: if we are not called to carry out the relevant inspections we will not be able to issue a completion certificate.
Book an inspection
To arrange a Building Control visit please use our online form below or phone 01628 796915. You can also contact your dedicated surveyors on their direct dial number.
Apply for: Building control : Request an inspection
Please note: In order for a Completion Certificate to be issued, a ‘Notice of Completion’ form will need to be completed by all parties and returned to us on completion.