13 November 2023

Have your say on taxi licensing proposals in the Royal Borough

Residents, taxi drivers and groups are invited to have their say on taxi licensing proposals in the Royal Borough.

Residents, taxi drivers and groups are invited to have their say on taxi licensing proposals in the Royal Borough.

The council’s Licensing Panel has asked for a consultation on possible changes to the livery of taxis, including reducing or removing this, or if any changes should be linked to a move to electric or hybrid vehicles as and when this happens, so that they can be identified.

Taxis licensed by the council are currently required to be white with a purple bonnet and boot and a large council coat of arms on the side.

Alongside this, the council is also seeking people’s views on DBS requirements for all licensed taxi and private hire drivers.

A six-week consultation is underway and residents have until Friday 22 December to respond and can take part by visiting https://rbwmtogether.rbwm.gov.uk/taxi-consultation.

Councillor Simon Werner, the Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships, Public Protection and Maidenhead, said: “A request to consult taxi users on possible changes to the livery of licensed taxis operating in the borough was made by our Licensing Panel last month and it’s important we get your views.”

Councillor Mandy Brar, chair of the Licensing Panel, said: “I’d encourage residents to take a look at the proposals carefully and give us their feedback.

“Alongside this, please also give us your views on DBS requirements for all taxi and private hire drivers operating in the borough. All feedback will be carefully considered before any decisions are made by the panel next year.”

If you don’t have online access, you are welcome to use the public-access computers available at all local libraries, where staff are happy to help you get online if needed. If you require paper copies of the consultation documents and response form, these are also available from all libraries upon request.

The consultation results will be reported to Licensing Panel meeting in February next year.