Size: 13,548 m2
A walk around the perimeter of this area will contribute 2,500 steps to the advised 10,000 daily steps recommended to improve fitness.
BBQs are not permitted in any of the parks and open spaces.
Location and access details
Hire your own small motor or rowing boat
The Promenade is a riverside walk from Eton Bridge toward Windsor Leisure Centre. The Promenade at Barry Avenue, Windsor, was first created in the early 1890s and has changed several times in the 1900s, reflecting the increase in the river's attraction as a leisure amenity rather than purely for commercial and travel purposes as had been the case in earlier centuries.
The Avenue was named after Sir Francis Tress Barry, MP for Windsor, 1890-1906.
A replica Hawker Hurricane aircraft went on display in memory of its designer, Sir Sydney Camm in April 2012 and officially unveiled on 20th July 2012.
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