Size: 11,579 sq m/ 1.1 hectares
A walk around the perimeter of this park will contribute 700 steps to the advised 10,000 daily steps recommended to improve fitness.
BBQs are not permitted in any of the parks and open spaces.
Location and access details
Goswell Road, opposite Alexandra Gardens, Windsor
In Victorian times this area below the castle walls was considered a slum and so the area was cleared and The Goswells, as we know it today, created.
This area is in the care of The National Trust having been purchased by public subscription in 1910 in order to preserve the view of the castle from Alexandra Gardens, dating from 1902, a short distance further west.
In 2010 The Tennis Courts were refurbished.
In Spring 2011 a refurbishment of The Goswells was undertaken. This work included installation of a new path and street lighting and works to the avenue of trees. The path has been constructed from block paving with chequered panels of granite setts at regular intervals. Traditional-style hanging lanterns have been installed above each granite panel, and at each end of the path there is an ornamental arch and lantern.
The Management Plan for Alexandra Gardens and The Goswells is located on the Alexandra Gardens web page linked on the right.
Jubilee Fountain
Installed in 2012 for the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II this attractive 'ornamental' water feature is made up of a long canal, with a line of dramatic vertical jets. At the centre of the canal is the main pool which houses 'the crown' - a raised stone bowl with concentric rings of water jets culminating to a magnificent geyser at its centre.
The dynamic feature uses timers to vary the display and is enhanced by lighting from below the water. The area around the water feature has been landscaped to create a new garden with ornamental planting, and seating.
The £107,000 landscaping works were agreed following consultation with local interest groups including the Windsor and Eton Society, Windsor Town Partnership, the National Trust and local councillors. The project was funded by developer contributions and private sponsorship.
If you would like to visit an interactive water feature please visit Bachelor's Acre or for fun water play features, slides and swimming pools visit Windsor Leisure Centre.
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