Libraries : Price list

Details of the prices for library space hire, photocopying, loans and overdue items.

Library Space Hire

Did you know library spaces can be hired? We have a range of flexible options at competitive rates from £6.40 per hour.

Make a booking of a library space, community room or IT suite.

Bookable by Price
Non-commercial and borough based organisations (charged services/sales) per hour/half day/day £37.40/£75/£106.70
Commercial organisations per hour/half day/day £53.40/£117.40/£202.80
Other borough based community groups and charities per hour/half day/day £16/£42.70/£53.35
Departments within the borough free of charge subject to availability and for agreed periods of time  No commission on sales for all organisations.
  Cancellation fee for bookings cancelled within four weeks of booked date = 20% of hire charge

Booking a small space within a library during opening hours only (e.g. Pop-up stand placement, display board placement or small interview room)

Bookable by Price
Non-commercial and borough based organisations (charged services/sales) per hour/half day/day £19.25/£37.35/£57.65
Commercial organisations per hour/half day/day £32.10/£64.10/£106.70
Other borough based community groups and charities per hour/half day/day £6.40/£19.25/£29.90
Departments within the borough free of charge subject to availability and for agreed periods of time  No commission on sales for all organisations.
  Cancellation fee for bookings cancelled within four weeks of booked date = 20% of hire charge
For further information, please contact us:

Library services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
St Ives Road
United Kingdom