Computers, with internet access, are at all borough libraries.
- You need to accept our Acceptable Use policy when you log-in to library computers.
- Computers are switched off 15 minutes before closing time.
- Filtering software prevents access to illegal and offensive websites.
- We cannot guarantee the complete exclusion of undesirable material.
Free access to
- Reliable, trusted information (24-hours) with free online resources.
- Some websites and Microsoft Office on adult computers; free for 60 minute sessions.
- Sessions can be extended, subject to computer availability.
- Free WiFi available in all borough libraries.
Using Computers
- All borough libraries have computers, with access to the internet, you will need your membership card to use them.
- If you're a library member, without an Advantage card, you can pay to use computers in 30 minute blocks.
- If you're age 12-17yrs, you get 45 minutes free access per day and additional 30 minute blocks for free, subject to computer availability.
- Purchase of computing time is subject to computer availability.
Booking computers
- Ask staff, or ring your library, to book a computer up to seven days in advance.
- At Ascot, Maidenhead and Windsor libraries, you can book, extend and print from your session on our self-service kiosk.
- Bookings can be made without payment.
- You must pay for your session before you can use the computer.
- Any unused minutes in a charged session cannot be carried forward or refunded.
- Any new session needs to be requested/booked and paid for before use.
Using IT equipment
- Free WiFi available in all borough libraries.
- Pay to print documents in black and white (or colour) at all libraries.
- Use document scanners at all static libraries.
- Search for items on catalogue computer at Maidenhead, Windsor and Cox Green libraries.
- Use USB memory sticks with computers.
- Power sockets available for laptops.
- Use Dolphin screen magnification and screen reading software on some computers in every library.
For further information, please contact us:
Library services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
St Ives Road
United Kingdom