Adult Authors by last name Q-R

Alex Reeve, Erich Maria Remarque, Monique Roffey and Alex Rogers

The House on Half Moon Street - Alex Reeve

Leo Stanhope. Avid chess player; assistant to a London coroner; in love with Maria; and hiding a very big secret. For Leo was born Charlotte, the daughter of a respectable reverend.

But knowing he was meant to be a man - despite the evidence of his body - and unable to cope with living a lie any longer, he fled his family home at just 15 and has been living as Leo: his secret known to only a few trusted people. But then Maria is found dead and Leo is accused of her murder.

All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque

In 1914 a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the 'glorious war'. With the fire and patriotism of youth they sign up.

What follows is the moving story of a young 'unknown soldier' experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches.

The Mermaid of Black Conch - Monique Roffey

arch 1976: St Constance, a tiny Caribbean village on the island of Black Conch. A fisherman sings to himself, waiting for a catch - but attracts a sea-dweller he doesn't expect.

A beautiful young woman cursed by jealous wives to live as a mermaid has been swimming the Caribbean Sea for centuries, she is entranced by the fisherman and and his song but her fascination is her undoing. 

The Deep - Alex Rogers (Non-fiction)

Professor Alex Rogers is one of the world's leading experts in marine biology and oceanology, and has spent his life studying the deep ocean - and in particular the impact of human activity on the ecosystems of the oceans.