Kate Adie, Diane Athill and Kate Atkinson

Fighting on The Home Front - Kate Adie (Non-Fiction)

Bestselling author and award-winning former BBC Chief News Correspondent Kate Adie reveals the ways in which women's lives changed during World War One and what the impact has been for women in its centenary year.

Somewhere Towards the End - Diane Athill (Non-Fiction)

This book tells the story of what it means to be old: how the pleasure of sex ebbs, how the joy of gardening grows, how much there is to remember, to forget, to regret, to forgive - and how one faces the inevitable fact of death.

Big Sky - Kate Atkinson

The highly anticipated return of Jackson Brodie, ex-military, ex-Cambridge Constabulary, now private investigator, 'a hero for men and women alike'. Jackson Brodie has relocated to a quiet seaside village in North Yorkshire, in the occasional company of his recalcitrant teenage son Nathan and ageing Labrador Dido, both at the discretion of his former partner Julia.

It's a picturesque setting, but there's something darker lurking behind the scenes.