Working for us

At the Royal Borough, we have an exciting vision to build a sustainable borough of opportunity and innovation for our community – and to achieve that we rely on the exceptional work carried out by colleagues across every service.

Our values, working for you

Our values help us to deliver for the people of the borough:

  • Humility;
  • Empower;
  • Respect;
  • One Team.

Our HERO Values help us to deliver for the people of the borough.

Our values: Humility


  • Embrace the diversity of colleagues, partners and people of the borough;
  • Seek and listen to the ideas of others;
  • Ask for help when you need it;
  • Take pride in your work.


Our values: Empower


  • Support each other to learn, grow and improve;
  • Focus on wellbeing – your own and your colleagues;
  • Celebrate success;
  • Take ownership, be accountable, focus on outcomes;
  • Learn lessons and innovate to change what isn’t working;
  • Use your professional expertise to make key decisions.


Our values: Respect


  • Be open, honest and transparent;
  • If you can’t do something let people know;
  • Engage in a variety of ways;
  • Don’t sit in silence if something concerns you;
  • Consult with people on decisions which impact them;
  • Treat people with respect.
Our values: One Team

One Team

  • Deliver our vision together;
  • Break down internal silos – put the people of the borough first;
  • Don’t pass people around the system;
  • Understand how what you do relates to our vision;
  • Build good relationships and get to know other teams.