Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Each resident approaching housing services during office hours is given a personal housing plan which sets out needs, next steps for the resident, the council and other partners, with a record of advice and guidance provided.
We work in partnership with housing associations to provide a shared ownership scheme, which is a means:
To qualify for the scheme, applicants need to have:
For more information, or to apply for a shared ownership home go to the Help to Buy South website.
Rent to Buy is designed to ease the transition from renting to buying a home by providing subsidised rent:
Help to Buy South are the agent for Windsor and Maidenhead, and can provide advice about the different options available to help you purchase or rent a home that is affordable for you. For more information, go to the Help to Buy South website or phone 0800 456 11 88.