A community interest company set up in partnership with the Royal Borough of Kingston and the London Borough of Richmond.
The Admissions Team operates a call back service only. Priority will be given to calls where the information is not available on the website or in the relevant guides.
School Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Each year we review the admission arrangements for the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead community and voluntary controlled schools. These arrangements set out how places are offered at our schools and include the over-subscription criteria.
When there are changes proposed to the admission arrangements we must consult to ensure all views are heard. There are no proposed changes for September 2024-2025 for community and voluntary controlled schools. The determined arrangements can be found here -
Other Admission Authorities
Academies, Voluntary Aided and Free Schools
Academies, free schools and voluntary aided schools in the borough are their own admitting authority and determine their own admission arrangements. Their arrangements can be found by clicking on the school names below.
Newlands Girls' School is currently consulting on changes to their admission arrangements. More details can be found on the school's website - Newlands Girls' School. Consultation will close on Monday 02 January 2023.
The following school has recently converted to Academy status but is still following the Local Authority's admissions arrangements detailed above:
- Woodlands Park Primary School
Primary age schools
Bisham CofE Academy
Braywick Court Free School
Burchetts Green CE Infant School
Cheapside CE Primary School
Clewer Green CE First School
Cookham Dean CE Primary School
Datchet St. Mary's CE Primary School
Dedworth Green First School
Eton Porny C of E First School
Holy Trinity CE Primary School (Sunningdale)
Holyport CE Primary School
Knowl Hill CE Primary School
Lowbrook Academy
Oakfield First School
The Royal School
St. Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School
St. Edward's First School
St. Francis Catholic Primary School
St. Luke's CE Primary School
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
St. Michael's CE Primary School
Trinity St. Stephen's First School
White Waltham CE Academy
Secondary age schools
Altwood CE Secondary School
Charters School
Churchmead School
Dedworth Middle School
Desborough College
Furze Platt Senior School
Holyport College
Newlands Girls' School
St. Edward's Royal Free Middle School
St. Peter's CE Middle School
The Windsor Boys' School
Trevelyan Middle School
Windsor Girls' School
Any objections to the admission arrangements determined by the local authority or other admission authorities must be referred to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.
Admissions criteria
Each school has a published admission number for each year group and this is the maximum number of children that can be admitted. If there are more children who want a place than there are places available, the school is said to be oversubscribed. When this happens, we use the published admission criteria, also known as a set of admissions rules, to prioritise who the places should be offered to.
Children with an Education Health Care plan naming a particular school must be offered a place at that school.
Co-ordinated admission scheme for academic year 2024-2025
The Local Authority also has a statutory duty to formulate a scheme to coordinate admission arrangements for all publicly-funded schools within their area for phase transfer, for example, moving from primary to secondary school.
We are required to consult with other local authorities and admission authorities where a change is proposed to the existing scheme. There are no changes to the coordinated admission scheme for 2024-2025 and the determined scheme can be found here - Determined Coordinated Admission Scheme for 2024-2025.
The determined coordinated admissions schemes for previous years can be found in the Document Downloads section at the bottom of this page.