The current Local Validation requirements are:
- The correct fee.
- The location plan to a scale of 1:1250 showing the application site outlined in red and identifying two named roads. The map submitted must contain the Ordnance Survey Copyright disclaimer and the mapping data (licence number).
- For householder extensions and new dwellings, a block plan to scale 1:500 showing the proposed development, site boundaries and adjoining properties.
- For proposals for redevelopment or extensions to properties in the Green Belt floor plans and elevations of the existing development on site.
The detail required is proportionate to the nature and scale of your proposal.
We are currently working on a Local Validation List which will provide information on the level and type of detail required to be submitted with a planning application. This will provide a degree of certainty and clarity to assist applicants. When the Local Validation List document is finalised it will be published on this website.
In the interim, applications should be accompanied by sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the relevant policies. These documents are not currently validation requirements but are necessary to demonstrate that a proposal complies with relevant policies. This list provides an overview of when specific information may be required to support an application. This list is not exhaustive but identifies common issues and the necessary information related to them.
If this information is not provided at submission, it may delay the determination of your application and/or an officer may assess your application as not complying with policy and refuse planning permission.
Flood risk
Applications in either flood zone 2 or 3 should provide a flood risk assessment in line with Environment Agency guidance.
For householder and minor extensions this should reflect the Environment Agency standing advice.
You can check which flood zone your site is in on the Environment Agency maps.
Applications which would create an increased area of hard standing should include details of how surface water run-off will be managed.
Relevant Borough Local Plan Policy NR1.
Protected species
Protected species include badgers, bats, reptiles, amphibians and any other species listed under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, and/or The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. If a proposal would be likely to impact protected species then reports and survey should be submitted to demonstrate if there will be any impact and, if applicable, what mitigation is proposed.
Further guidance can be found at Protected species and development: advice for local planning authorities - GOV.UK (
The following list is not exhaustive but covers the common scenarios where potential impacts on protected species need to be considered and reports/surveys submitted:
- applications involving demolition of an existing building, modification or conversion of the loft space or works affecting the roof, including extensions where this will affect the roof, soffits, hanging tiles or wooden cladding.
- proposals that involve the removal of trees, scrub, hedgerows or grassland;
- proposals affecting watercourses and water bodies such as ponds.
- proposals that include the increase of external lighting.
Development within/adjacent to or that could impact upon:
- internationally designated areas (e.g. SAC, SPA, Ramsar sites).
- nationally designated areas (SSSI).
- locally designated areas (e.g. Local Wildlife Site, (LWS), Local Geological Site/RIGS, Local Nature Reserve, BOA’s/NRN’s) or an area of Ancient Woodland.
- Priority habitats listed under Section 41 of the NERC Act 2006.
- waterbodies within 500m of a proposed development site .
Relevant Borough Local Plan Policy NR2.
If an application site includes trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or trees that are within a conservation area, then sufficient information must be submitted to demonstrate the potential impact on trees within the site.
Applications should be supported by the following:
- Site plan to show the position of all trees on the site, and those on adjacent land that could influence or be affected by the development. Where trees are present, identify which are to be retained/removed, labelling each and provide a tree protection plan.
- British Standards 5837 tree survey, tree constraints plan and tree protection plan where significant trees may be affected by or influence the development.
Relevant Borough Local Plan Policy NR2 and NR3.
Sustainability and energy statements
Applications for all new dwellings and non-residential extensions over 100sq m, should be accompanied by sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SDP).
This should include:
- Detailed energy assessment
- Details of how potential overheating and reliance on air conditioning will be reduced
- Confirmation of three phase power supply provision
- Details of Electric Vehicle charging provision
- Confirmation of high speed internet connection
- Details of how use of mains water will be minimised
Relevant Borough Local Plan Policies include SP2 and QP3.
Heritage statements
Applications which would impact a designated or non-designated heritage asset, or its setting, should be accompanied by a heritage statement.
The heritage statement should include an assessment of the significance of the heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. It should include analysis of the significance of the asset and its setting and how this has informed the development of the proposals. The level of detail included in the statement should be proportionate to the asset’s importance and be sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on its significance.
Relevant Borough Local Plan Policy HE1.
Position on accepting amendments to planning applications,and%20identifying%20two%20named%20roads.
The council's position is not to seek or accept amendments after validation. We will not accept unsolicited amendments. Please do not seek amendments in response to an objection unless first agreed with your named planning case officer.
The council will exercise its discretion whether to request or accept amendments to a planning application under consideration. Upon receipt of an application, we expect it to be:
- supported by relevant information (What to submit with your planning application and
- in a condition to be fully assessed and determined as submitted.
On that basis our position is not to seek or accept amendments after validation. We emphasise this approach by encouraging all to engage in the pre-application service.
Guidance on amendments
This guidance will help you understand when the council will/will not request or accept amendments to planning applications.
We will only seek additional information and/or amendment at officer discretion under either or both of these two conditions:
1. Further analysis of the case means more information or clarification is needed to complete the assessment of the scheme. For example, cross sectional or levels details drawings. (We would not accept information which requires further consultation)
2. Amendments of a very minor nature that would improve the scheme. This must be a necessary improvement and not jeopardise a decision within the statutory period. For example, requiring additional consultation or more detailed third party expert advice.
In addition, we will:
• only accept one round of amendments to a submitted scheme.
• only accept the amendment if an extension of time is agreed at the outset.
• the amendments must be submitted within the timescale given by the named planning case officer.
Planning Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom