Employment Support

Information on jobs fair and events.

Job Fairs

The Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead is working with the JobCentre Plus to promote local job vacancies to our residents via an in-person jobs fair. 

Maidenhead Library Tuesday 25 March 2025 - 10.30am - 1pm.

Jobseekers will have the opportunity to connect with employers looking for staff to fill their vacancies. Employers across a variety of sectors will be attending this event, so this is an ideal forum for candidates to understand the local jobs market, and the skills required to be successful in their applications.

Using a popular community space like Maidenhead Library to link up the right people with the right employers looking for staff provides a convenient and accessible environment for our residents and businesses to meet, with access to knowledgeable staff and computers for our residents to follow up any potential job opportunities.

Please contact DWP-library@rbwm.gov.uk for more information and support.

Please also see resources that can help you in your work journey.

Live Career 

CV and Cover Letter for Jobseekers in the UK. Everything you need to get the job. Professional CV and cover letter writing help. Live Career - CV writing supportCV formatKey Skills to add to CVCV templates.

Pension Credit top ups

Are you over State Pension age or know someone who is?
Pension Credit tops up pension income and can help with day-to-day living costs.
Check your eligibility at gov.uk/pension-credit or by calling 0800 99 1234.

Community Learning and Skills Service

East Berkshire Community Learning and Skills Service (CLaSS) delivers online and in person courses for over-19s in Windsor, Maidenhead, and Slough.

Maidenhead Library every Tuesday 10am – 2pm.

Information about adult courses include:

  • ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
  • Digital Skills
  • English
  • Maths
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Employability

Please see the brochure for the  Course Guide for Spring 2025, September 2024 to July 2025 Community Learning course guide and timetable.

For more information, email lifelonglearning@slough.gov.uk


SWAPS are Sector-Based Work Academy Programmes – they consist of pre-employment training, practical experience and a guaranteed job interview at the end. Please contact your work coach or employment advisor if you are interested in any of these.

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service offers fully-funded, personalised careers information, advice, guidance services as well as webinars to help you make decisions about careers, courses and work. Whatever stage you have reached in your career, our qualified careers advisers are here to help.


Explore more than 4000 Free wide range of online courses resulting in Certificates and Diplomas. These courses are accredited by CPD UK (Continuing Professional Development) and are backed by top universities and organisations like Microsoft etc.

Learn, get certificates, build your career and earn on Alison.com

Alison's New App is now available on iOS and Android.

Skills for Life

Unlock your potential. Find training, support and advice to gain the skills you need for the job you want. There are free courses from essential digital skills to Higher Technical qualifications. Find information on Apprenticeships and Sector-based Work Academy Programs (SWAP).

Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. Take a quick quiz to see where you might want to brush up on your numbers. Good numeracy skills may unlock job opportunities and lead to higher wages and help you with everyday life.

Register online for our Community Learning courses call 01753 476611, to register for other courses visit Windsor Forest Colleges or call 01753793288. Email multiply@rbwm.gov.uk for more information.

Smart Works

A UK charity that provides high quality interview clothes, styling advice and interview training to women in need as well as giving the women the confidence they need to reach their full potential, secure employment and change the trajectory of their lives.

You can now make a referral to Smart Works using an online form. Making a referral is simple and hassle-free. With our new online form, referring to Smart Works is now quicker than ever, taking only a few minutes to complete. Within 24 hours, Smart Works will reach out to the woman you have referred, ensuring that she receives the necessary support at a crucial time.

Burleigh College Free Courses 

ESOL, Functional Skills English and Mathematics courses, available online (subject to availability).
Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 – Levels 1 and 2.
Course duration 3 – approximately 15 weeks per level.
Weekly starts, roll on, roll off programme.
Morning and afternoon sessions – Monday to Thursdays.

Please see available courses.

Apply online

Programme includes employability and support towards employability.


Where disabled candidates can search for jobs with inclusive employers around the UK. The employers who advertise on Evenbreak are actively aiming to attract disabled candidates.

Care Leaver Covenant 

The Care Leaver Covenant is a national inclusion programme. It supports care leavers aged 16-25 to live independently by making available a different type of support and expertise from that statutorily provided by local authorities.

Please see the vacancies.

Stay up to date on all opportunities available through the Connects. Opportunities including work, education, through to recreational offers and give-aways.

Strive Training

Strive Training is a well established independent training provider with the key aims and objectives of empowering individuals to help them realise their potential through gaining the skills and qualifications they need to get into work.

  • They offer adult learners a range of short courses.
  • They also deliver courses to respond to sector and employer needs which include sector-based work academy programmes and lone parent programmes.
  • They are also proud to be active in the prison education sector.

Thrive 365

Thrive 365 is offering a personal development for employment courses. How to be best at an interview. Topics include how to link your strengths and experiences to employment opportunities, creating a bespoke CV, covering letters and application forms.

Email bep@thrive365.co.uk for more information.

Find a Job - GOV.UK

Find full or part-time jobs in England, Scotland and Wales. Use the ‘Find a job’ service to search and apply for jobs. (This service has replaced Universal Jobmatch.)

Optalis Training Shop - Well Turned Out 

This specialist recycled clothing store offers work experience and paid work for people with a range of disabilities supporting individuals to develop skills for employment. Interview clothing supplied free of charge to those using their Supported Employment Services.

Opens every Wednesday 10am - 3pm
Boyn Grove Centre
11 Courthouse Road
Maidenhead, SL6 6JE
Tel: 01189778600
Email: employmentservice@optalis.org

Heathrow Employment and Skills Academy Virtual Career Talks

The Heathrow Employment and Skills Academy brings careers to life with live webinars hosted by employers that are actively recruiting at the airport. Watch our webinars and find out more about the roles on offer, the application process, and the skills needed to succeed. 

Heathrow Careers and Essential Skills Workshop

Start your journey with our half-day workshops which will give you an insight into the:

  • History of the airport
  • Job roles available right now
  • Essential skills and behaviours needed to succeed
  • Application process and support available

At the end of the workshop you will have everything you need to confidently make an application to join the thousands of people who turn up every day to the buzz and excitement of playing their part in giving passengers the best airport service in the world. Please find out more about upcoming workshops and vacancies.

Employer Support

Are you an employer looking for guidance or to recruit an employee? Please see our Employer Support page for more information.

For further information, please contact us:

Library services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
St Ives Road
United Kingdom