You can now recycle old clothes and textiles alongside your fortnightly rubbish collection service. The items we collect include:
- Old, worn clothing,
- Socks and tights,
- Shoes (paired),
- Unwanted handbags,
- Belts,
- Knitwear,
- Curtains,
- Towels,
- Bedding, blankets.
We cannot collect duvets and pillows.
To use this fortnightly service:
- Place your clean, dry clothes and textiles in your pink bag,
- If you don't have your pink bag, you can use any plastic bag. Label or write on the bag 'Textiles',
- Place the bag out, next to your rubbish bin on collection day (don't place the bag in your rubbish bin),
- We can only collect one bag from each house (we cannot collect textiles from blocks of flats).
Textiles are collected along with your rubbish bin every other week. They are placed in cages under the vehicle and kept separate from your rubbish.
Alternatively, old clothes and textiles can be recycled in a number of ways.