These are the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) depending on what the business activity is taking place.
What the HSE regulate
Queries or complaints about a workplace involving the following types of business or activity fall to the HSE to respond to or investigate.
- factory
- manufacturing
- farm
- building
- construction/demolition site
- scaffolding
- fairground
- hospital
- nursing home
- school
To contact the HSE in respect of any of the above please visit their contact page on their website.
What the Royal Borough regulates
The Royal Borough is responsible for the enforcement of workplace safety in a range of high street type premises and activities such as:
- retail shops
- office
- warehouses
- tyre and exhaust premises
- restaurants
- hotels
- pubs
- play groups and nurseries
- residential care home (non-nursing)
- hairdressers
- cinemas and other places of entertainment or leisure
- places of worship
We seek to ensure that all employers and self-employed people understand their responsibilities and comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, related regulations and guidance.
We deal with queries and complaints from employees and the public and provide information and enforcement in businesses in respect of workplace safety for the types of business listed above.
As a worker or employee if, you are concerned about any aspect of health and safety at work, you should first always attempt to resolve the matter with the employer either, directly or through your staff representative. If you are dissatisfied you can contact the relevant enforcement authority. Further information and guidance on all aspects of workplace safety may be viewed on the health and safety executive website.
To contact us with any workplace safety queries or concerns about businesses or activities we regulate, please complete our online form below. Investigations will always be conducted sensitively and the complainant's confidentiality is assured.
Report: Environmental Services