Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
If you are starting a new food business, the following information should help to ensure that you meet food safety requirements and have in place all you need to produce safe food.
The person(s) responsible for developing and maintaining the business's procedures must have received adequate training to enable them to do this.
There is no legal requirement to attend a formal training course or obtain a qualification, although many businesses may want their staff to do so. The necessary skills could also be obtained in other ways, such as through on-the-job training, self-study or relevant prior experience. However, if during a food hygiene inspection food handlers are found to have inadequate food hygiene knowledge, the inspector will require them to receive instruction and/or training.
For people who handle open high risk foods, the CIEH ‘Level two Award in Food Safety in Catering course’ or equivalent is recommended. It's important to keep records of any training undertaken, as you will be asked for this by the inspecting officers when they visit. If you do decide to undertake formal training, be careful to use a reputable company. It is recommended that training is refreshed every three years.
There are four different food hygiene training levels:
Level 1 – (formerly introductory/essentials) is aimed at those new to the workplace who require a simple overview of food hygiene before starting work or as part of an induction programme. This should include personal hygiene, temperature control, cleaning procedures and pest awareness. This training is usually done in house by management as part of an employee's induction.
Level 2 - (formerly basic/foundation) is the minimum requirement for those who prepare and handle open food or handle foods and have a supervisory role (e.g. chefs, cooks, kitchen assistants, home caterers or mobile catering businesses) This is a 1 day course with a short multiple choice exam at the end.
Level 3 - (formerly intermediate) is aimed at business owners and managers or supervisors of small and medium sized catering operations. It also satisfies the requirement for adequate training in HACCP based food safety management systems. This is a 3 day course with a multiple choice exam at the end.
Level 4 - (formerly advanced) is aimed at managers of larger catering premises or where complex food handling operations are carried on. This is an intensive 5 day course with written exams at the end.
Find out about CIEH courses. There are other accredited bodies that offer training such as the Royal Society of Health.
E-learning training is available for courses Levels 1 to 3.
As an employer/ business operator you have a legal responsibility, under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, to protect the health and safety of your staff (where applicable), and any other people who may be affected by your business undertaking - such as customers and members of the public. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) offers the following online advice, guidance and tools and can help save you time and effort in getting started.
If running a business from home you may need to seek advice from your mortgage provider, if appropriate, and your insurance company on the requirements for public liability and possibly employers’ liability insurance for your venture. This is especially important if you take on any staff or allow members of the public to visit your property. If you use your vehicle for your business you may need to contact your vehicle insurance provider to seek advice on business use insurance.
If after working through the above guidance and information you still have queries in relation to your new food business you may contact us using our online form.