Request a food safety hygiene rescore inspection

As a business you can request a a food safety hygiene score.

The Food Standard Agency has reviewed its guidance on charging a fee for requested rescore inspections to re-assess food hygiene ratings under the Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme (FHRS).  The Agency considers that providing a rescore inspection upon request by a food business operator, in circumstances where there is no statutory requirement to provide that rescore inspection falls within the general power that allows for the recovery of costs.

If you are a food business operator you have a right to request a rescore inspection for the purpose of re-rating. 

The charge for this is a non-refundable £350 fee once your application has been accepted. 

  • You can make one request for a rescore inspection per each planned statutory inspection.
  • You may make this request anytime after the statutory inspection provided that you have made the required improvements.
  • You will need to provide sufficient evidence that improvements have been made.

You should be aware that the we will make a unannounced visit and that your rating could go up, down or remain the same.

We require the following information:

  • Business name/operator,
  • Date of inspection,
  • Food hygiene rating given,
  • Detail and evidence of actions taken.

Apply for: Food Hygiene Rating Scheme: Request for a re-score Inspection