Licensing/Registration/Service Fees and Charges valid until Monday 31 March 2025
Animal Activity Licensing
(*) animal activity licence visits carried out on our behalf by City of London Animal Welfare Services (CoL), these fees are inclusive of VAT at 20%.
Each separate animal activity has a separate fee unless a combined fee is listed below.
All Animal Activity Licenses (except animals for exhibition), regardless of the length of licence term are required to have an unannounced mid licence visit, the fees for which will be recharged and invoiced at the time of the visit.
(*)Animal Boarding Establishment (kennel/cattery)
- New licence application or 1st inspection by Col - single species (cat/dog) - £424.40
- Renewal licence application inspection - single species (cat/dog) - £362.00
- New licence application or 1st inspection by Col - combined (cats & dogs) - £486.80
- Renewal licence application inspection - combined (cats & dogs) - £424.40
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including travel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating visit - £237.20
(*)Home Boarding Dogs
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - £299.60
- Renewal licence inspection - £237.20
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including travel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating visit - £237.20
(*)Franchisee Arrangers Licence
- Assessment of new application or 1st inspection by CoL of an arranger/franchisee - £299.60
- Assessment of existing arranger/franchisee - £237.20
- Assessment of hobby host as part of arranger/franchisee licence - £237.20
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating - £237.20
(*)Dog Day Care
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - more than 10 dogs - £486.80
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - less than 10 dogs - £362.00
- Renewal licence inspection - £299.60
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating - £237.20
(*)Dog Breeding Establishment
- New applicant vet inspection with kennel units - £678.00
- Renewal application inspection with kennel units - £456.00
- New applicant vet inspection domestic dwelling - £395.60
- Renewal application inspection domestic dwelling - £299.60
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating - £237.20
(*)Riding Establishment/Hiring out of Horses (conducted by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon (RCVS) registered vet)
- New premises licence inspection veterinary fee + fee per horse - £568.40
- Existing premise licence inspection veterinary fee + fee per horse - £445.60
- Annual vet inspection veterinary fee + fee per horse - £344.80
- Fee per horse 1 to 10 horses - £20.40
- Fee per horse 11 to 50 horses - £13.20
- Fee per horse more then 50 horses - £10.80
- Unannounced mid licence visit (on top of annual vet inspection) - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating - £237.20
(*)Pet Vending/Sale of Pets
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - up to 2 species - £486.80
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - more then 2 species - £549.20
- Renewal licence application inspection - £424.40
- Unannounced mid licence visit - £237.20
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
- Reassessment of star rating - £237.20
(*)Animals for Exhibition or Training (not subject to mid licence visit and not eligible for star rating - 3 year licence)
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - single species - £486.80
- New licence application or 1st inspection by CoL - multiple species - £549.20
- Renewal licence application inspection - £362.00
- Complaint visit 1st hour including ravel and report writing - £237.20
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
Other Animal Licensing
(*)Circus/Animal For Exhibit on Location
- DWA on Location (Exhibit) - 1st hour including travel and report writing - £237.20
- DWA on location visit additional charge per hour - £112.40
(*)Shows-Exhibitions-AGO- Markets
- Inspection (Full day per officer) - £549.20
- Inspection (Half day per officer) - £299.50
(*)Animal Keepers Farm Stock
- Hobby/domestic address - £299.50
- Non Domestic address (Half Day) - £362.00
- Non Domestic address (Half Day) - £549.20
(*)Dangerous Wild Animals Licence (two-year licence)
- New applicant or new premises to City of London vet inspection commercial / outside premises - £568.40
- Renewal applicant vet inspection commercial / outside premises - £395.60
- New applicant or new premises to City of London vet inspection domestic dwelling - £395.60
- Renewal applicant vet inspection domestic dwelling - £309.20
- DWA on Location - 1st hour including travel and report writing - £222.80
- DWA on location visit additional charge per hour - £136.40
- Complaint Visit 1st hour including travel and report writing - £222.80
- Complaint visit additional charge per hour - £136.40
Zoo Licence (four year new or six-year renewal licence)
- New Zoo Licence - £523.55 + Secretary of State Veterinary VAT rated standard fees + LA officer fees at £68.00 per hour
- Renewal Zoo Licence - £451 + Secretary of State Veterinary VAT rated standard fees + LA officer fees at £68.00 per hour
- Periodical Zoo Inspections - Secretary of State Veterinary VAT rated standard fees + LA officer fees at £68.00 per hour
- Informal Zoo Inspections - LA officer fees at £68.00 per hour
(*)Zoo Licence (four year new or six-year renewal licence) (Charging structure not currently in use)
- Periodical / Informal / Special (Full Day)(Vet) without travel time (hourly rate to be added) - £1000.40
- Periodical / Informal / Special (Full Day)(Animal Health Inspector) - £549.20
- Periodical / Informal / Special (Half Day)(Vet) without travel time (hourly to be added) - £525.20
- Periodical / Informal / Special (Half Day)(Animal Health Inspector) - £299.60
- Veterinary 14.1a exemption inspection - £741.20
Other Animal Licensing Administrative Fees
(*)City of London Officer Daily Rate
- 1 x veterinary officer £72 per hour - £691.20
- 1 x Animal Health Inspector £52 per hour - £499.20
Transfer of Licence (in the event of licensee's death)
Variation to Animal Welfare Licence
Animal Activity Licence Star Rating Rescore
Appeal against Animal Activity Licence Star Rating Rescore
- £144.50 (refundable if appeal upheld)
Other Service Fees and Charges
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) Re-score Visit
- FHRS Re-score visit request fee - £350.00
Skin Piercing Registration - ear/body piercing, acupuncture, electrolysis, tattooing, semi-permanent tattooing, microblading only
- Registration of a New Skin Piercing business - £322.50
- Registration of a New Practitioner at an existing Skin Piercing business - £107.83
- Registration of a New Procedure at an existing Skin Piercing Business - £107.83
- Existing Licence amendment (administrative) per hour (minimum of 1hour charge) - £68.00
- Replacement copy of practitioner registration certificate - £34.00
Freezer Failure
Workplace Safety
- HASWA S.28 Statement - officer cost at £68.00 per hour. Minimum charge 2hrs
Private Water Supply
- Water sampling, monitoring and analysis - cost of providing service by accredited water undertaker - monitoring, sampling, and analysis is provided by Affinity Water on our behalf. Any additional activities conducted by LA officers such as risk assessments is charged at officer hourly rate of £68.00 per hour.
For further information please contact us using our online form.
Report an issue to Environmental Services