Trade union facility time

Trade union facility time information.

Trade Union facility time as at July 2023

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead employees

  • Unison members on our payroll : 32 (5.8%)
  • GMB members on our payroll : 4 (0.7%)
  • Total union members on our payroll : 36 (6.5%)

6.5% of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead workforce (552 employees).

There are 0 trade union members who devote at least 10% of their time to union activities.

Trade union facility time off – 2022-2023


Under the Trade Union (Facility Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 the council is required to publish on an annual basis the amount and cost of facility time. This is the report for the year 2022/23 and it must be published on the council’s website by 31 July 2023 and on the website. Separate data is required for:

  • Centrally employed workforce. (555 @ 31/3/23).
  • Education function employees - schools. (1116 @ 31/3/23).

Facility time is the time spent on trade union duties and activities. There is a statutory entitlement to reasonable paid time off for trade union duties. There is no entitlement to paid time off for activities.

Facility time data

Relevant union officials

This identifies the total number of employees who were relevant union officials during 2022/2023 and their full time equivalent. 

Workforce Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period Full time equivalent employee number
Centrally employed 0 0
Schools 3 2.74

Percentage of time spent on facility time

This identifies the percentage of their working time spent by employees who were relevant union officials on facility time.

Workforce Percentage of time Number of employees
Centrally employed 0 0
Centrally employed 1-50% -
Centrally employed 51-99% -
Centrally employed 100% -
Schools 0 2
Schools 1-50% 1
Schools 51-99% -
Schools 100% -

Percentage of pay bill spent on time spent on facility time

This shows the percentage of the pay bill spent on facility time, calculated using the cost of facility time and the total pay bill.

Workforce : Centrally employed

  • Total cost of facility time : £0
  • Total pay bill : £27,645,000
  • Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time : 0.0

Workforce : Schools

  • Total cost of facility time : <£100 
  • Total pay bill : £45,913,226
  • Percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time : 0.0

Paid trade union activities

This shows the paid time on trade union activities as a percentage of paid facility time.


  • Centrally employed : 0%
  • Schools : 0%
For further information, please contact us:

Human Resources Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom