Please be advised that we will be carrying out a system upgrade on our payment system between 9am and 4pm on Thursday 16 January 2025, during this time we will be unable to accept card payments via our website, this will include our online forms which take payment and also via our automated payment line. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Officer Decision Notices
This page contains information on all officer decisions made under delegation, published as an Officer Decision Notice.
This page contains information on all officer decisions made under delegation, published as an Officer Decision Notice. This notice will contain key information on the decision taken, financial and legal implications, and whether the decision can be called in for review by an Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Officers are required to submit an Officer Decision Notice within one week of a decision being taken.
New Officer Decision Notices are now published on Modern.Gov.
This page will only show Officer Decision Notices published between January - April 2023.
January - April 2023 Decision notices
Title and description
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Electrical Planned Preventative Maintenance Service To provide RBWM with a serviceable contract for the statutory PPM across the corporate and schools estate.
Mechanical Planned Preventative Maintenance Service To provide the statutory mechanical planned preventative maintenance across the corporate and schools estate.
Fire and Intruder Alarm Planned Preventative Maintenance Service To provide statutory Fire and Intruder Alarm planned preventative maintenance across the corporate and schools estate.
Award of contract for Subsidised Pest Control Service and Dog Warden Service Award of the pest control and dog warden service contract to SDK Environmental based on a 4-year contract with the option to extend for one further 2-year period.
Wed, 04/01/2023 - 12:00
Please note that the contract being awarded includes provisions for the supplier to request price increases during the contract term.
Castle Hill, Windsor Public Realm Improvements To raise a purchase order to allow the ordering of materials to deliver the Castle Hill Public Realm scheme due to long lead in times.
Wed, 04/01/2023 - 12:00
The Capital Budget for the Scheme is already approved by the Thames Valley LEP and in the wider Capital Programme for the Council.
Council Tax Support Fund To carry out the requirement from DLHUC to award up to £25 to residents on Council Tax Reduction, and to delegate the subsequent design of a scheme to deal with any underspend of the £113k to the Cabinet Member.
Mon, 20/02/2023 - 12:00
It is not yet possible to model how much of the £113k DLHUC have provided for will be utilised in the initial award as the software can only be tested as part of the annual billing process.
The Council will accept the invitation to move to the next stage of the process, involving a new special school This will enable us to identify the education partner for the special school and progress towards a design for the school.
Wed, 08/03/2023 - 12:00
There is no financial commitment from this decision and allows more accurate forecasting of likely local costs.
Affordable Housing - Open Space Land North of Thames Mead at Sawyer’s Close, Windsor RBWM proposes to transfer Land North of Thames Mead, Sawyers Close to Abri Group Limited at a value of £1 and not at market value.
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 12:00
There will be no financial cost to the council as part of the approval of this project.
Change of Polling Station Location To agree a temporary change to a polling station in the ward of Bisham and Cookham from Bisham Primary School to designate All Saints Church, Bisham as a temporary location for the election being held in May 2023.
Sun, 12/03/2023 - 12:00
No finance considerations were taken into account in this instance - there is no saving or additional expenditure associated with this decision.
Admission of additional Domiciliary Care provider onto Council Dynamic Purchasing System To ensure a dynamic and diverse care market in the local area, in accordance with the Market Shaping duties of the Local Authority. To ensure continuity of care for those people currently receiving care and support from the care provider concerned.
Fri, 24/03/2023 - 12:00
There are no risks associated with the decision to include this Provider within the new framework.
Increase in hourly rate for Domiciliary Care Providers on the Council DPS framework and increase in Direct Payment hourly rate To ensure a dynamic and diverse care market in the local area, in accordance with the Market Shaping duties of the Local Authority. To ensure continuity of care for those people currently receiving care and support from the care provider concerned.
Wed, 22/03/2023 - 12:00
Full budgetary provision as confirmed by Senior Finance Business Partner
Increase in rate for day centre attendance and activity - Older Persons' daycentre To ensure that the costs of providing daycare and support are uplifted in line with inflationary pressures.
Tue, 28/03/2023 - 12:00
Risks and mitigations would be considered on an individual basis, should attendees be required to fund the costs of attendance themselves. Many care packages are funded through adult social care.
Stafferton Way Link Road Compensation Claim Settlement To agree a settlement figure as a full and final settlement of a claim for compensation for the loss of property value as a result of increased traffic noise and light from the construction of the Stafferton Way Link Road.
Tue, 28/03/2023 - 12:00
The exact settlement figure is not publicly disclosed, the Tribunal could determine an award at a higher level than agreed.
Lease of the site at Braywick Park to Maidenhead United FC That the Executive Director of Place Services agrees to proceed with the lease of the site, subject to the granting of planning permission.
Tue, 04/04/2023 - 12:00
The council will receive in return for the sale of the land, subject to planning, a capital receipt of £460,000. This will only be paid if planning permission is achieved and is, therefore, a conditional contract.
Award of Contract for provision of Digital Poll Clerk devices Following the approval of a procurement waiver the approval to procure the Digital Poll Clerk solution from Modern Democracy for polling stations across the borough over a four-year contract.
Lease renewal of café in Maidenhead Library To renew the lease of the Rio Deli Café for three years at the expiry of the current lease.
Fri, 28/04/2023 - 12:00
The Council will receive an increased rental income under the new lease. The Council will also undertake some works to the library entrance to improve security out of hours.
Education, Employment and Tenancy Sustainment Support Service Contract Award To appoint Beam Up Ltd to undertake the Education, Employment and Tenancy Sustainment service required by Housing Services.
Tue, 23/05/2023 - 12:00
The service provided by Beam is predicted to achieve a small direct cost saving of £10,220 per year compared to other forms of service provision.
Decision on 'Lease of the site at Braywick Park to Maidenhead United FC' following Place Overview & Scrutiny Panel Call-In The Executive Director of Place has decided that this decision shall be brought back to Cabinet to review the approach and process conducted regarding the Open Spaces Notice and Disposal of Land following previous Cabinet approval.
Community Right to Bid - Oakbridge Centre, Imperial Road, Windsor To add the nominated land, being the Oakbridge Centre, Imperial Road, Windsor to the Council's List of Assets of Community Value.
Decision to appoint CTS as main contractor for the refurbishment of the Chiltern Road site To appoint Contract Trading Services Ltd as main contractor for the refurbishment of the Chiltern Road site.
Tue, 23/05/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the refurbishment has been agreed and is in the borough's capital programme.
CRM approval to tender Complying with the Contract and Tendering Procedure Rules and as Heads of Service Group were consulted via the Cabinet Paper that sought delegated authority to go to tender.
Appointment of BHP Mechanical as main contractor for heating upgrade works at Furze Platt Primary Federation To appoint BHP Mechanical as main contractor for the upgrade of the heating systems at Furze Platt Infant School and Furze Platt Junior School (the Furze Platt Primary Federation).
Thu, 15/06/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
Appointment Gardner Mechanical Services Ltd as main contractor for heating upgrade works at Alwyn Infant School To appoint Gardner Mechanical Services Ltd as main contractor for the upgrade of the heating system at Alwyn Infant School.
Thu, 15/06/2023 - 12:00
in the project costs. Details of any associated finance considerations: The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
Appointment of Councillor Simon Werner to the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel To appoint Councillor Simon Werner to the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel.
Waldeck House Demolition To demolish Waldeck House.
Mon, 19/06/2023 - 12:00
These were considered as part of the budget setting process. Agreed budget allows for enabling works including service disconnections, demolition works and site security post demolition.
To appoint Industrial SiteWorks Solutions Ltd as main contractor for the upgrade of the heating systems at Larchfield Primary School To appoint Industrial SiteWorks Solutions Ltd as main contractor for the upgrade of the heating systems at Larchfield Primary and Nursery School.
Wed, 21/06/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
Admission of additional Domiciliary Care Provider onto Council Dynamic Purchasing framework Spectrum Homecare have now successfully completed a submission to join the Borough's domiciliary care framework.
Tue, 27/06/2023 - 12:00
The Borough Finance team provided full financial support throughout the process; there is full budget provision.
Appointment of Tencer Ltd as main contractor for kitchen ventilation works at four schools To appoint Tencer Ltd as main contractor for works to upgrade ductwork associated with kitchen ventilation at four schools.
Tue, 11/07/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
RBWM insurance broking and risk management support contract - 2 year extension to 30/09/25 Procurement team advised to use the reason above and to state in the supporting notes that this is because there's no other option that fits this scenario.
To appoint Industrial SiteWorks Solutions Ltd as main contractor for the boiler replacement at Waltham St Lawrence Primary School To appoint Industrial SiteWorks Solutions Ltd as main contractor for the boiler replacement at Waltham St Lawrence Primary School.
Wed, 26/07/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
Production Environment Award Complying with the Contract and Tendering Procedure Rules to award contract to supplier Nutanix for production environment.
Fri, 28/07/2023 - 12:00
The budget for the works has been approved and is in the Council's capital programme.
Renewal of Minerals and Waste Joint Working Agreement Contract To renew the contract.
Mon, 31/07/2023 - 12:00
The monies need to cover the cost of this contract renewal have already been paid under a separate contract and will be reused for this renewal. There is no additional cost to the Council.