FOI001454 FOI Facilities

Short Description
Religious Services in Council Offices
Reference number

Please accept this as a Freedom of Information Act (2000) request.  

1)     Do you have any religious services in your council offices, where your employees have office space for working? For example, your main council building? By religious services, I mean a group of people expressing reverence and adoration for a deity/god involving prayer i.e. group worship.  
(Note this request does not include individual prayer rooms for staff).  
2)     If the answer to questions 1 is yes, is this service held in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, or are the services held in private for only those wishing to take part?  
3)     If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, what religions have these services been for?  
4)     If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, how did the council decide which religion to favour above all others?  
5)     If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, what equality impact assessment or Equality Act (2010) considerations did you take into account before making this decision?   
6)    Please enclose any equality impact assessments or Equality Act (2010) considerations for these services. Please state if there are none and enclose your Equality Policy if no considerations were made.
7)    If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, what consideration was made for any members of the public visiting the council building that might have overheard the service and may not have shared the same religious belief or none e.g. atheists?  
8)    If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, what consideration was made for any members of staff from another employer visiting the building that might have overheard the service and may not have shared the same religious belief or none e.g. atheists?  
9)    If religious worship takes place in an open area where staff will hear it whether wishing to take part or not, how many complaints were received for each service? 
10)  What was the outcome of these complaints?