Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request information regarding planning application refunds within your council jurisdiction.
Please provide a list (in Excel format) of all planning applications submitted from 12th September 2024 to the most recent data available where no decision was made within the statutory period (26 weeks for major applications and 16 weeks for non-major applications), unless a longer period has/had been agreed in writing between the applicant and the Local Authority, and no refund of fees has been made to date.
Requested Columns:
1. Planning application reference
2. Applicant name
3. Site address
4. Valid date
5. Planning application fee paid (£)
6. Decision due date
7. Actual decision date
8. No. of days to decision
9. The decision (e.g., approved, refused, etc.)
10. Extension of time/Planning performance agreement in writing (Yes or No)
11. Refund (Yes or No)
12. Eligible for Refund (Yes or No) (Based on statutory decision deadlines: 16 weeks for non-major applications and 26 weeks for major applications)
13. Withdrawn (Yes or No)
14. Proposal description
Please provide the information in chronological (date) order.
FOI001450 FOI Planning
Short Description
Planning Application Refunds
Reference number