Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information regarding occupancy levels across CQC registered social care services. Please provide the requested information in the attached Excel spreadsheet.
For each of the following care home categories, where available, please provide data at the local authority level:
• General residential
• Dementia residential
• General nursing
• Dementia nursing
• Learning disability residential
• Learning disability nursing
• Mental health residential
• Mental health nursing
• Transitional/short stay services (this may include the following services: Discharge to Assess, Intermediate Care, Reablement Support, Rehabilitation, and Respite Care)
• YPD – Young physically disabled (provides specialised support for younger adults aged 18-65 with physical disabilities)
For each category, please provide:
• Total number of care homes
• Maximum capacity of these care homes
• Total number of vacancies
• Number of vacancies (unavailable/non-admittable beds)
• Number of occupied beds
If additional or other categories are recorded beyond those listed above, please include them in your response in the Excel template.
Please provide data as a snapshot at March 2025 or, if that is not available, the most recent snapshot available, with the date specified.
FOI001449 FOI Adult's Social Care
Short Description
CQC Registered Occupancy
Reference number