FOI001445 FOI Communities

Short Description
Household Support Fund & Local Welfare Support
Reference number

This is a Freedom of Information request for the following information:
Separately for the Household Support Fund; other discretionary local welfare assistance schemes (if your council has one in addition to the Household Support Fund); and the Holiday Activities and Food programme, please provide:
•    Total annual expenditure
•    Total annual number of applications
•    Total annual number of approvals
•    The type of awards made, and how many of each type of award were made
•    Demographics of who received support
o    by family type, in the following categories: couples with children, couples without children, single with children and single without children
o    and by age group in these categories: working-age families with children, working-age families without children, pensioner families
Please provide this information for financial years 2021-22 to 2024-25 (inclusive). If it is not possible to provide information for all the years, please prioritise the most recent years. If possible, please provide the information in the form of an Excel spreadsheet