This is a Freedom of Information request for the following information:
Separately for the Household Support Fund; other discretionary local welfare assistance schemes (if your council has one in addition to the Household Support Fund); and the Holiday Activities and Food programme, please provide:
• Total annual expenditure
• Total annual number of applications
• Total annual number of approvals
• The type of awards made, and how many of each type of award were made
• Demographics of who received support
o by family type, in the following categories: couples with children, couples without children, single with children and single without children
o and by age group in these categories: working-age families with children, working-age families without children, pensioner families
Please provide this information for financial years 2021-22 to 2024-25 (inclusive). If it is not possible to provide information for all the years, please prioritise the most recent years. If possible, please provide the information in the form of an Excel spreadsheet
FOI001445 FOI Communities
Short Description
Household Support Fund & Local Welfare Support
Reference number