FOI001437 EIR Tree Team

Short Description
Arboricultural Team/TPOs
Reference number

1. Are RBWM Arboricultural Officers formally trained in tree identification and map reading, if so to what standard?

2. Are the RBWM Arboricutural team aware that the GOV.UK guidance 06/03/2014 for Tree Preservation Orders states "Authorities should bear in mind that successful prosecutions for contravening Orders will be difficult where Orders do not show clearly which trees are meant to be protected."

3. Are the RBWM Arboricultural team aware the GOV.UK guidance for tree preservation orders states "The area category is intended for short-term protection in an emergency and may not be capable of providing appropriate long-term protection. The Order will protect only those trees standing at the time it was made, so it may over time become difficult to be certain which trees are protected. Authorities are advised to only use this category as a temporary measure until they can fully assess and reclassify the trees in the area. In addition, authorities are encouraged to resurvey existing Orders which include the area category."?

4. How many Area TPO's in the RBWM area are over 5 years old?

5. What is the oldest Area TPO in the RBWM borough?

6. Can RBWM say with 100% confidence that a tree does or does not have a TPO on it given that some of the Area and Group TPO'S are decades old? TPO 4 1965 Area TPO for example.

7. At the time of enquiry from a homeowner or contractor, does the RBWM Arboricultural team send all materials they have to assist the homeowner or contractor identify which trees in Groups or Areas are covered by TPO'S?

8. When TPO's are very old or unclear, do RBWM Arboricultural team ever ask homeowners or contractors to fill in applications to carry out work on trees covered by TPO'S rather than update the TPO's so that they become more clear?

9. Does RBWM Arboricultural team ever rely on ambiguous/unclear maps or TPO's to try and prevent homeowners or contractors felling trees they could legally be well within their rights to fell without RBWM Council permission?

10. Where TPO's predate 1987 did the RBWM Arboricultural team re-survey all sites to check if trees included within the orders fell in the 1987 Great Storm?

11. Can persons affected by a TPO ask RBWM Arboricultural team for any of their internal correspondence relating to the matter?

12. How many working days should a homeowner or contractor be expected to wait from the moment they make an enquiry about a TPO to the point they get a definitive answer to whether a tree is covered or not?