FOI001366 EIR Planning

Short Description
Planning Application ref. 24/00511/OUT
Reference number

This request is for a copy of all emails to and from the Council's planning officer's [name] and [name] to and from the Council's Legal Services in relation to the preparation of a S.106 agreement between the Council and the applicant's proposed development of 32 dwellings on land to the South of Kimber's Lane, Maidenhead (planning application ref. 24/00511/OUT). The S.106 agreement between the Council and the applicant was not completed despite numerous attempts by the applicant's solicitor to contact the Council's solicitor without a response being received. A planning appeal has had to be made by the applicant with a Unilateral Undertaking accompanying the appeal and the applicant would like to establish what instructions were given by the planning officer(s) to the Council's legal services.