FOI001357 FOI Trading Standards

Short Description
Nicotine Pouches Seizures
Reference number

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the seizure of nicotine pouches by your Trading Standards team.

Specifically, I would like to request the following:

1. How many illicit nicotine pouch products has your Trading Standards team seized for 2023 and 2024?

2. If the nicotine pouches were seized for being labelled in languages other than English, which languages were the products labelled in?

3. If you have seized any products for having particularly high nicotine content, how strong were these individual pouches?

Please disaggregate the above information by:
- Number of packets seized
- Year
- Nicotine pouch company
- Specific reason for seizure, for the above nicotine pouch companies
- if seized for high nicotine content, the amount of nicotine in milligram that each individual pouch/sachet contains, per nicotine pouch company
- If applicable, the languages other than English that the products were labelled in, per nicotine pouch company

4. Do you have concerns about illegal importation of nicotine pouches?

5. Has your authority had any of these products tested?

6. Please provide any fines or prosecutions issued in relation to seized nicotine pouches in your jurisdiction for 2023 and 2024.

7. Please provide any reports, assessments, or internal communications related to concerns over the sale, distribution, or safety of nicotine pouches within your jurisdiction, since 2023.

If aspects of my request exceed cost limits, I would appreciate any partial disclosure within the limit, prioritising questions 1-5.