Please can I request the following under an FOI -
1. Please can you confirm the cost of councillor's wages for each of the last ten years?
2. Please can you confirm the process of how these wages are calculated and the process for deciding the level of wages?
3. Please can you confirm the level of expenses paid to councillors in each of the last ten years? Who signs off on these expenses?
4. Please can you confirm the amount of expenses that have been claimed by council employees in the last five years please? A value for each year would be appreciated?
5. Please can you confirm the land assets value that is owned by the council?
6. Please can you confirm the income that is generated by the land owned by the council in the last five years?
7. Please can you confirm how much land assets has been sold off in the last five years
FOI001278 FOI Democratic Services/Property Services
Short Description
Council Expenses and Income
Reference number