FOI001217 FOI Trees

Short Description
Tree Officers
Reference number

Request for Information under FOIA  2000

1.How many tree offices does RBWM employ?

2.How many tree officers are employed by RBWM to work Full time? 

3.What are the hours and days of working for Full time Tree Officers?

4.How many tree officers are employed by RBWM to work Part time? 

5.What are the hours and days of working for Part time Tree Officers?

6.How many tree officers does RBWM have independent contracts for services with  and are engaged to work for RBWM as Independent self employed contractors?

7.What are the hours and days of work of the tree officers that RBWM has independent contracts for services with  and are engaged to work for RBWM as Independent self employed contractors?

8.What are the response times to reports of breaches of Tree Preservation Orders (hereinafter to be referred to as TPO's) by RBWM Tree Officers/ the Relevant Person/s designated to respond to reports of breaches of TPO's ?

9.What action is taken by RBWM Tree Officers/ the Relevant Person/s designated to respond to reports of breaches of TPO's when a report is made of a breach of a TPO?

10.How many privately owned properties  in RBWM have TPO's covering every tree on the site?

11.How many privately owned properties in RBWM that have had TPO's covering every tree on the site have had the blanket TPO revoked in the last 30 year?

12.What were the grounds for revocation of TPO's on privately owned  properties that have had blanket TPO's covering  every tree on the whole site in the last 30 years?