FOI001212 EIR Highways/Insurance

Short Description
Reference number

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Can you please provide the following:

1.    How many unfixed potholes are there currently recorded under the council authority (as of January 13, 2025)?
2.    How much has the council spent on pothole repairs in the last 3 years - broken down by year (from January 1st - to December 31st 2022, 2023 and 2024) - Up to and including any data held for January 2025.
3.    How many legal claims have been lodged against the council relating to damage caused by potholes in the last three years? Broken down by years as above.
3a) Of those, how many were settled with compensation?
3b) Of those, how many were refused?
4.    How much has the council paid out in compensation for claims relating to damage caused by potholes in the last three years? Broken down by years as above.