FOI001210 FOI HR

Short Description
Communications/Strategy Roles/Website
Reference number

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1.    A structure chart or list of posts contained in your central communications team or function and an indication of how they are organised ie looking after a collection of services or any other way. By communications I mean tasks such as strategic communications, media/public relations, social media, internal comms, marketing, behaviour change campaigns and graphic design.
2.    A list of communications roles that exist outside of the central team, if they exist, even if only part of their role
3.    An indication of which team within the council maintains the content on the council's corporate website. If services maintain their own content, who has the final say?
4.    A structure chart of list of posts contained in any central policymaking or strategy team or an indication of where policymaking takes place elsewhere in the council